Vast amounts of plastics are used on a daily basis resulting in heavy impacts on the environment. The groundbreaking PEFerence project provides relief to the situation: applications such as packing materials, plastic bottles, personal and home care products and foil pouches can be produced from bio-based plastic, polyethylenefuranoate (PEF). Specifically, PEF can replace the most commonly used plastic, PET, in e.g. soda bottles and other packaging materials. The world's first industrial scale biorefinery plant, which will be built by the PEFerence project, can also produce other bio-based plastics for e.g. Lego bricks and industrial applications. The products made of PEF will significantly help to replace fossil-based packaging materials and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Spinverse leads the project management of PEFerence, which has been awarded with 25M€ from European Joint Undertaking on Bio-Based Industries (BBI).