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Spinverse News

Personnel news from Spinverse

We are happy to announce some great personnel news from Spinverse. We have a new colleague joining our Manufacturing team, based in Sweden, and a promotion for one of our colleagues. Please welcome Karin Bergkvist as our new Senior Consultant and join us in congratulating Viivi Ropponen on her promotion to Consultant.

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Efficiently navigating the Grant Agreement Preparation (GAP) process of EU-funded projects

For those who get a notification email inviting to Grant Agreement Preparation (GAP) process for the submitted EU funding proposal, that in itself is a great achievement. It shows that the funding application has been positively reviewed and ranked higher than almost all other applications. However, highly detailed work needs to be done to fulfil the process requirements and achieve the signing of your Grant Agreement before you can truly kick off your funded project. Spinverse Project Services offer specialised support for navigating the GAP phase, ensuring that all necessary details are addressed, facilitating a smooth and efficient preparation process towards the successful signing of your Grant Agreement. 

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Spinverse celebrates two decades in innovation consulting!

In February 2024, Spinverse celebrated a significant milestone 20 years of excellent service, growth, and contribution to the field of innovation and impact management in public funding. Founded by Pekka Koponen in 2004, Spinverse started as a vision to bridge the gap between technological advancements, market application and public funding. Today, that vision is still going strong, with a dedicated and diverse team of more than 100 professionals who strive to make this world a better place together with clients.

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