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Open Innovation

Spinverse is part of successful EDIDP consortium focusing on developing next generation defence capabilities

Patria Land is leading a defence industry consortium that has now been selected as part of the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP), an industrial programme of the EU. As part of the EDIDP, the program focuses on Ground Combat Capabilities (GCC) to develop the next generation armoured platforms and upgrade the current ones. Patria Land acts as the industrial coordinator of the EDIDP-GCC-2020 and has formed a consortium called FAMOUS (European Future Highly Mobile Augmented Armoured Systems) to execute the program. The consortium includes 19 leading European defence companies from different countries. Spinverse supported the planning and preparation of the winning FAMOUS project proposal and will help Patria Land to coordinate the project.

EDIDP is a defence industry development program designed to support the competitiveness and innovation capacity of the Union's defence industry. The EDIDP is the first EU-funded program to develop defence capabilities, with a financial envelope of 500 million euros. The selection for the EDIDP program was made in June 2021 and the actual start of the project will take place in autumn 2021. The GCC project led by Patria will last 24 months.

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Energy ECS project develops smart and secure energy solutions for future mobility and green-energy transition

A new project with 30 participants from eight European countries will pave the way for an emerging new European business and technology ecosystem aimed at tackling various energy-related challenges for the future of mobility. The project accelerates Europe's decarbonization goals for 2050. The project consortium and proposal were built with the help of Spinverse.

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Scaling Open Innovation

Partnering up to solve grand challenges is the only way to go. You spread the risk, access new perspectives, open up new resourcing models, and tap into scalable R&D. It is not easy, but it is becoming easier thanks to new types of European and national funding instruments combined with more acceptance across ecosystems of organisations. Siloed approaches to creativity of new products and services tether the imagination to the organisation chart and short-term measurements.

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Converging business models - spinning up new 100 M€ businesses

As the environment gets a breath of fresh air and the planet vibrates less from the worlds greatest unplanned experiment in physical movement, the internet is humming with activity that is accelerating the deployment of exponential technologies to solve critical challenges, says Patrick Halford, Vice President for Key Digital Technologies at Spinverse. Here are some of his insights on converging business models.

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How to build new 100 M€ businesses - Unfolding Open Innovation with Patrick Halford

"Ideas that transform markets and solve complex societal issues do not come fully formed or fully funded. Ideas percolate through various filters of evolving technologies, business models and mindset changes, often overlapping and feeding each other," says Patrick Halford, Vice President for Key Digital Technologies at Spinverse. Here are some of his insights on open innovation.

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Key insights into building and leading open innovation ecosystems

How to co-create and collaborate in complex and continuously changing environments? What are the cornerstones on which successful innovation ecosystems are built on? How can design thinking help to facilitate effective cooperation in an open innovation ecosystem?

We at Spinverse have been working on open innovation with the most innovative companies and organisations throughout our 15-year history. A few years ago, Spinverse started a research project on leadership of open innovation ecosystems. After diving deep into the subject by going through numerous studies, attending seminars and conferences as well as interviewing experts and stakeholders, we are now happy to share our key learnings with you in a series of whitepapers on the topic.

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