

The Chief Technology Officer of the Year Europe 2017 announced

Eyal Shimoni, CTO of Strauss Group and Sebastien Equis, CTO of Nanolive have been awarded with the title European Chief Technology Officer of the Year 2017 in their respective categories: large corporations and SMEs. The awards ceremony took place during the CTO Forum 2017 at Empa Academy, Zurich, Switzerland on October 26th, 2017. Both awardees serve as prominent role models fuelling growth and strengthening European innovation and technology leadership.

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Customer success-story: Optomed secured 1,97 M€ EU funding for Smartscope-X - affordable, accessible and automatic screening for diabetic retinopathy

In May, the Finnish medical technology company Optomed was granted 1,97 M€ from Horizon 2020 SME Phase 2 instrument under the topic Accelerating market introduction of ICT solutions for Health, Well-Being and Ageing Well. The funding will help Optomed make their product Smartscope-X the leading solution for diabetic retinopathy screening, supporting the company’s vision to provide affordable eye screenings to everyone.

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Four tips if you have to pitch an idea to investors

When making a pitch, you usually have only a couple of minutes to get a potential investor interested in your innovation. Facing you, there are people who do not share your interest in technical details and do not have your level of knowledge in the field. "In order for an innovation to reach the market, the existing technical information needs to be refined into communication that the market and potential financiers can understand and put to work," says Ulrika Wahlström, from IMCG and Innovation Project Manager in the EU project InspireWater says.

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Finland to become a leader in digital health technology: CleverHealth Network takes off

There is a growing need worldwide for digital health solutions. A new innovation ecosystem coordinated by HUS (The Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) called CleverHealth Network, brings together the health technology knowhow, healthcare professionals and the precise healthcare data of HUS. The aim of the CleverHealth Network is a turnover of 11 billion euro and export earnings of 7,7 billion euro for the companies in the ecosystem.

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SMEs in Finland: are you interested in EU funding for R&D and market entry?

EU Breakfast seminar: In just 1,5 hours, learn if your company could receive funding. At the same time you will learn how the SME instrument will change in the beginning of 2018 and how this will affect you. After the presentationsyou have the possibility to discuss your potential for EU funding with experts and go through already existing project ideas.

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