
Desensitization 2.0: Desentum develops a game changer for treating allergies

Allergy is a huge problem especially in the developed countries. Although it is seldom life-threatening, the sheer number of patients makes the condition a serious concern for societies. Globally, allergic diseases already affect one billion people and the number is increasing. Allergies restrict the lives of the patients, decrease productivity, cause missed work and school days and place economic burden to both individuals and societies.

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Innovation Challenge looking for ideas on Fingerprint identity for steel product recognition

Currently, tracing of steel products is possible via physical markings. The vision is to provide the opportunity to follow the steel products all the way from the mill to the end product, for example to communicate its properties and processing instructions to the processing machine. The first version of the SSAB SmartSteel service enables customers to identify products and access material information. Read more about the vision of SmartSteel at SSAB.

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Finnish innovation and research gets a boost from the government: permanent increase of EUR 100 million for funding

”This decision is a great commitment made by the Finnish Government to develop our world-leading innovation system further. It will significantly improve the possibility for Finnish innovation players to build ecosystems that have global significance,” says Spinverse Founder and Chairman Pekka Koponen, who also acts as the chair of the Innovation working group of Technology Industries of Finland.

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Applying service design to innovation

Today’s business environment is changing rapidly. Industry boundaries are blurring, and digitalization is enabling new business models. In the rapidly changing environment innovation is increasingly open, companies are actively seeking to collaboration and forming ecosystem partnerships in order to renew themselves and sustain competitiveness.

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Nanocellulose based printed electronics bring new solutions for smart packaging and point-of-care diagnostics

Nanocellulose-based smart paper can replace plastic in printed electronics – Finnish partners have an important role in research project

EU is funding a large research consortia project to create a printed electronics platform from cellulose to replace plastic, and Finnish key players in the field VTT, Aalto University and Spinverse, are in on the action. INNPAPER, now half a year running, is fully backed by EU-funding as a so called RIA research project (Research and Innovation Action).

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Espoo won the Intelligent Community of the Year 2018 award with the help of LuxTurrim5G

City of Espoo received the 2018 Intelligent Community of the Year award given by the Intelligent Community Forum at its Global Summit in London June 6, 2018. Espoo was honored in its first year as a competitor in the program after a year-long evaluation that included a quantitative analysis of extensive data, site inspections by the Intelligent Community Forum and votes from an international jury made up of experts from around the world.

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