
Borealis Finland launches SPIRIT — a gamechanger programme to boost sustainable plastics industry

Borealis Finland has received 20 M€ in funding from Business Finland to launch their innovative SPIRIT programme (Sustainable Plastics Industry Transformation). As project leader, Borealis Finland will coordinate research and development efforts among a wide range of existing and new partners. Spinverse team will help Borealis to build and lead the ecosystem and related projects needed to fulfil the ambitious mission. 

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Promotion news: celebrating success

Our people are our most valuable asset, and we want to regularly award our hardworking experts with promotions. This is to acknowledge their contribution to our and our customers’ success and to encourage them in their professional growth, and to take on more responsibility in their roles. In this round of promotions, we are celebrating Miguel, John, Saija, Cloé, Leena and Vanessa for their stellar contribution.

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New calls opening in the Digital Europe funding programme

The European Commission has announced the second set of calls for proposals in the Digital Europe (DIGITAL) programme. The forthcoming calls address a large array of the themes in the Digital Europe, among others data spaces, testing and experimentation facilities, public sector open data, medical data, blockchain, digital identity, cybersecurity and skills. The calls prepare and advance deployment of digital technologies and services in sectors such as health care, smart cities and communities, education, agriculture, culture, manufacturing, security and law enforcement. 

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Finalists of CTO of the Year and Innovation Professor of the Year 2022 in Finland announced

Since 2011, the CTO of the Year Award has been an annual recognition of the importance of Chief Technology officers to the future competitiveness of Finnish industries. The award has two categories: SMEs and Large enterprises. Moreover, for a second year in a row, there will be an award for the Innovation Professor of the Year. The award was set up to increase the recognition of collaboration between academia and companies.

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Spinverse helped Nornickel Harjavalta to secure 15 M€ investment from Business Finland to strengthen the Finnish battery ecosystem

Nornickel Harjavalta, a refiner of nickel metals and chemicals in Finland, recently secured a significant investment of 15 M€ from Business Finland for expanding the production capacity of their plant in Harjavalta, Finland. The funding will strengthen the Finnish battery ecosystem and boost the building of sustainable battery industry to Finland. Spinverse funding experts supported Nornickel Harjavalta in the preparation phase of their successful project proposal.

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CleverHealth Network grows and results in new projects that tackle the challenges in health sector

CleverHealth Network has just rolled into its 5th year in operation and continues to bring together public health care, clinicians, large companies, and high-tech start-ups to co-develop intelligent and impactful solutions for health care, aiming to improve the quality of life for patients and work of the health care personnel. In 2021, CleverHealth Network was joined by two new partners Telia and Siemens Healthineers, and an interesting new co-innovation project to tackle the challenges of healthy indoor air during pandemic was launched. Spinverse continues to support the CleverHealth Network in facilitation, project communications and overall project management.

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LuxTurrim5G showcases successful ecosystem leadership

The R&D phase of the LuxTurrim5G ecosystem of 26 partners, led by Nokia and coordinated by Spinverse, has now been completed and the developed solutions are getting ready for global markets. Spinverse has played a significant role in contributing to a successful outcome of this complex ecosystem developing innovative solutions for smart cities. The project has been all about efficient communication and working together towards the common goal with the ecosystem partners. Meet Spinverse experts behind the LuxTurrim5G ecosystem.

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Spinverse expertise on hydrogen sector can help your company benefit from the upcoming EU funding calls

While waiting for the first Clean Hydrogen funding calls to open this year, it is already essential to get ready as the schedules and requirements will be tight. As one of the founding members in Hydrogen Cluster Finland and an expert on public funding, Spinverse can help your company to prepare the best possible funding application for your Clean Hydrogen project.

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CTO Survey: Finnish companies are at the forefront of digital and green transition

R&D investments in Finland will continue to grow, driven by public funding. Finnish companies will continue to increase their product development investments in Finland also in 2022. Growth will be accelerated by the green transition, the advancement of digitalisation and the growth of public innovation funding for industry. This is evident from the CTO Survey directed at the Chief Technology Officers of industrial companies. The survey was conducted by Spinverse in cooperation with the Technology Industries of Finland and Business Finland. This finding is also supported by a recent investment report by the Confederation of Finnish Industries, in which the results on the growth of industrial investments were very similar.

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