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EU funding

The EIC Accelerator: a springboard to support digital health startups and SMEs for disruptive ideas

In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, the intersection of technology and healthcare has given rise to the digital health sector: a field with the power to revolutionize the way we approach wellness, disease management, and healthcare delivery. However, for many innovators and startups, the journey from a transformative idea to a market-ready product can be challenging. Find out how the European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator is boosting digital health innovation and how Spinverse can support your funding application process.

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Project CHARM: Finnish organisations benefit from EU-funded international consortium projects

CHARM is a European collaboration to develop industrial IoT solutions for challenging environments such as mining and paper mills. During the four-year project ending in spring 2024, digital solutions have been developed in cooperation between 37 partners from ten different European countries. Project administration support for CHARM was provided by Spinverse. Seven organizations from Finland which joined the project reflect on the benefits of joining an international consortium.

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EU funding opportunities for SMEs in life science and health

Do you need funding for your SME? Are you aiming to commercialize your idea by founding a startup in the coming year? Or maybe you need to accelerate the development of your innovation to reach the market? Either way, EU funding might have open calls that will help you do just that! Of course, you can participate in large Horizon Europe calls in collaboration with academics, non-for-profits, large enterprises, and other SMEs, however, you may want to go for a smaller consortium or apply on your own.   

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Looking for ideas and partners for your next ECS project? Meet Spinverse at the Chips JU-ECS Brokerage Event on 20-21 February 2024

The ECS Brokerage Event 2024 in Brussels combines the brokerage activities of the industry associations AENEAS, EPoSS and INSIDE into one vibrant networking event. The event is dedicated to project proposals in the field of Electronic Components and Systems for the Chips JU Calls 2024 for the non-initiative part (former KDT JU). Find Spinverse funding experts at this year's event on 20 - 21 February and learn more about the project proposals we are currently building with our clients.

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Updated version available on AI Catalogue to bring together academia and industry within the ELISE network

Research organisations focused on the multiple applications for Artificial Intelligence may not always find the right channels nor partners to commercialise their innovations. Finding the right business partners within industry may often prove as one of the obstacles to enter the markets. A project within the ELISE network has addressed this challenge by launching a Catalogue that provides cherry-picked information on European research organisations focused on AI research, thus making it easier for academia and industry to find the right partners for a fruitful collaboration. There is now a new version available with additional AI nodes from ELLIS (European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems). 

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Fortifying healthcare: safeguarding data in the digital age

The integration of digital technology into healthcare has presented a multitude of challenges, with cybersecurity emerging as a major concern. The consequences of cyber threats extend beyond financial implications, posing a significant risk to the integrity of healthcare systems. Key vulnerabilities within the healthcare sector, including endpoint leakage, user authentication deficiencies, and excessive user permissions, persist as critical areas susceptible to compromise. In the worst case, these vulnerabilities pose a threat to patients' wellbeing. Collaboration in EU consortia may be the answer to tackle the challenges. 

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CleverHealth Network collaboration creates a new remote care solution to improve lives of dialysis patients

A new automated solution that brings safety to the patient’s everyday life and streamlines the work of healthcare professionals has been developed in the CleverHealth Network co-ordinated by HUS. The new remote care model enables savings of up to tens of thousands of euros per patient. The first service solution created as a result of the partnership cooperation will now be commercialized in cooperation with Fujitsu. Spinverse has played an important role in building and facilitating the CleverHealth Network ecosystem and we are delighted to see the outcomes of the relentless work between partners. 

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Spinverse successfully supported the proposal preparation for Horizon Europe funding, fostering a data-driven collaboration among European pediatric hospitals

The PHEMS project consortium led by Helsinki University Hospital (HUS) will advance data-driven research and innovation activities in pediatrics and the use of privacy-preserving datasets in Europe. The project’s aim is to overcome important barriers that currently hinder cross-border collaboration on health data by developing and validating a decentralized federated health data ecosystem. This will enable an ecosystem without central data repositories or release of sensitive personal health data from hospitals. The proposal preparation was supported by Spinverse. 

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