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LuxTurrim5G attracted an interested stakeholder crowd on the ecosystem’s VIP Day at Dubai Expo 2020

The LuxTurrim5G ecosystem and its product offering were proudly showcased at the Expo 2020 Dubai. In March, the LuxTurrim5G ecosystem arranged a VIP event at the Expo to present the ecosystem offering, partners and solutions to a group of ecosystem stakeholders. Finnish innovations gained a lot of attention in Dubai Expo: Finland pavilion actually hit the mark of one million guests before the exhibition closes its doors on 31 March 2022.

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LuxTurrim5G-ratkaisut valmiita maailmanlaajuisille älykaupunkimarkkinoille

  • LuxTurrim5G-ekosysteemin tutkimus- ja kehitysvaihe, jossa kehitettiin älypylväitä ja niihin liittyvää infrastruktuuria, data-alustaa sekä älykaupungin palveluita, on nyt saatu onnistuneesti päätökseen
  • Tutkimus- ja kehitystyöhön osallistunut yrityskonsortio valmistautuu nyt laajentamaan pilotteja aitoihin kaupunkiympäristöihin ja käynnistämään ratkaisun kaupallistamisen

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Espoo – Nokian vetämä LuxTurrim5G-hanke on saavuttanut tärkeän välietapin saatuaan päätökseen älypylväiden, data-alustan ja siihen liittyvien älykaupunkipalveluiden tutkimus- ja kehitysvaiheen. Monialainen 26 yhteistyökumppanin konsortio on saavuttanut lupaavia tuloksia, joita esitellään tänään webinaarissa. 

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LuxTurrim5G offering showcased in Expo 2020 Dubai as from October

An important gateway to the global market for the smart city offering developed within the LuxTurrim5G ecosystem will be opened at the Expo 2020 Dubai, launching in October. In the event, the LuxTurrim5G concept and two functional smart poles will be showcased together with Nokia and Tehomet, Orbis, Teleste, Vaisala, Indagon, L7 Drive, Link Design, VTT and Spinverse. Spinverse has been part of the ecosystem since its very start, taking care of the ecosystem leadership and project coordination.   

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Smart Urban Furniture showcase offers a sneak peek into the future of cities

In close collaboration with several LuxTurrim5G partners, the Aalto Design Factory (ADF) team has developed four comprehensive collections of Smart Urban Furniture that not only fit into various cities’ requirements but also provide different infrastructures designed to equip the smart cities of the future. Based on a human-centric approach, the team developed a product-service ecosystem, where technology is used to enhance citizens’ wellbeing. The results of the extensive work of the design team were presented in a showcase in mid-December 2020.

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