Lill’s reflections on growing Spinverse’s presence in Sweden
As summer holiday 2023 approaches, I enjoy taking a step back and reflecting on what has happened since last summer. It has been an eventful journey indeed!
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As summer holiday 2023 approaches, I enjoy taking a step back and reflecting on what has happened since last summer. It has been an eventful journey indeed!
Great opportunities for sustainable growth can appear from multiple directions. Sometimes, they occur as a result of unforeseen circumstances, such as global events which trigger a re-wiring of business, government, and society’s mode of operation. Sometimes these transformational shifts are recognized by large corporates who have a clear understanding of how fast the snow is melting at the edges of their organization, recognizing that they have to simultaneously dramatically change to a new business model, at the same time as delivering on existing business commitments. Join a series of conversations around these topics, arranged by HCL Technologies and moderated by our Patrick Halford!
Niklas Weckström started working at Spinverse almost three years ago.
Innovation is proven to be the single most efficient way to encourage growth and renewal. Should Finland once again be made the spearhead of innovation all others compare themselves to?
The exponential development of technology is driving fundamental change in the world. As the pace of change is continuously increasing, people and companies need to understand the nature of exponential growth.
The possibilities of EU funding - case example of a success story.
In today's competitive world, hands-on attitude and extensive expertise are important tools to understand the customers and help them to renew and succeed. At Spinverse this understanding is at the core of everything our experts do, which is further enhanced by their long experience in working actively in their respective industries.
Into is a new funding service offered in Finland by Tekes, the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation, to boost the international growth of SMEs. It provides the SMEs opportunities to strengthen their innovation competencies in order to grow into international markets.
EuroNanoForum 2017 event concluded on 23rd of June in Valletta, Malta after three successful conference and exhibition days that attracted participants from over 40 countries and brought nanotechnology and open innovations in focus to strengthen the competitiveness of European manufacturing industries. In addition to being a co-organiser of the event, Spinverse took an active participant role as well, with Managing Director Laura Koponen, headlining a plenary session on "nanotechnologies for industrial success".
Together with Confederation of Finnish Industries (Elinkeinoelämän keskusliitto EK), Oulu Entrepreneurship Society and Alltime, Spinverse facilitated the SMEhack to solve the global problem of littering. The hackathon for SMEs took place on January 28th, 2017 in Tellus Innovation Arena at University of Oulu.