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EU funding (3)

Find your way in Horizon Europe

Are you interested in applying for funding from Horizon Europe? Finding your way through the EU portal can be complicated, but here are some tips on how the program is put together.
Horizon Europe is the EU’s research and innovation funding program with a budget of 95.5 billion Euros. One purpose of the program is to mitigate and adapt to climate change. We take a closer look at how the largest part of the program is structured.

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Spinverse helped Lignin Industries secure 4.4 M€ from Innovation Fund to expand their production of bio-based materials

Lignin Industries from Sweden converts lignin so it can be blended with virgin and recycled thermoplastics to create new types of bioplastics. Lignin Industries recently secured 4.4. M€ funding from the EU Innovation Fund to help them financing the expansion of the first-of-its-kind large-scale production site located in Sweden. Lignin Industries secured their success in the highly competitive application process with support from Spinverse funding experts.

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LIFE 2022 call for proposals is open for innovative projects linked to environment and climate actions

With the budget of 598 M€ for the 2022 call, Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE), is set to make an impact on Europe by funding projects that give a boost to nature and biodiversity, accelerate circular economy, mitigate of and adapt to climate change, and help the transition to clean energy. The calls were opened in May with the deadline on 4 October 2022.

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CleverHealth Network ecosystem and E3 Excellence in Pandemics Response project showcased at HIMSS22 Europe

Europe’s healthcare leaders will meet on 14-16 June 2022 at the HIMSS22 European Health Conference & Exhibition in Helsinki, Finland. Helsinki University Hospital will showcase their expertise and results of joint R&D with companies through the CleverHealth Network ecosystem and “E3 Excellence in Pandemics Response” project. These two entities are part of the inspiring programme at the Finnish Pavilion, where Finnish know-how on health technologies is on display for the international participant group of healthcare pioneers and innovators. Spinverse team coordinates the CleverHealth Network (CHN) ecosystem and facilitates the joint work in the E3 project, and will be present at the HIMSS22 event.

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How Spinbase supports the City of Rotterdam to be more proactive and strategic with EU funding

From mostly reacting to partner invitations, the City of Rotterdam now transitions to approach EU opportunities with a proactive mindset first. Our intent is to utilize EU-level funding in enabling innovation and digital capabilities of the region. In this journey, Spinbase becomes a tool to empower every colleague in the municipality to take advantage of funding calls.

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Eurostars funding programme is opening soon - now with a wider reach

The Eurostars funding instrument is making a comeback with a wider scope, thus offering growth opportunities to a wider group of applying companies and organisations. This time around, not only R&D-performing SMEs, larger companies, research organisations and universities will be eligible to apply for Eurostars funding, but innovative SMEs are also welcome to send in their application as the company to lead an EU funded project with its partners. Get ready, as the first call of the new Eurostars programme will open soon and it is time to act now!  

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Next Generation EU made easy - guide to industries

The European Association of Innovation Consultants published its first collective report to help European Commission in their work to inform the industries on the deployment of Next Generation EU funding instrument, the largest economic stimulus ever funded by the EU. As one of the founding members of EAIC, Spinverse has also contributed to this report, called "A Guide to Next Generation EU for industry to better understand and seize its opportunities".

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Eurostars funding helps to boost innovative R&D consortia projects

Eurostars is a public funding instrument dedicated to innovative, research-driven small and mid-sized enterprises who want to join forces with other like-minded companies. Successful applicants are in for grants worth an average of 1-2 M€ each to boost their civilian projects aimed at developing new products, processes or services. The funding instrument stimulates international collaborative research and innovation projects that will be rapidly commercialised.   

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