
Posts about:

health technology

The EU Cancer Mission: A united front against cancer and how Spinverse can facilitate project success

In an effort to confront one of the most pressing health challenges of our time, the European Union has launched an ambitious initiative known as the EU Cancer Mission. This critical component of the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme (2021-2027) aims to significantly improve the lives of millions by 2030, tackling cancer through a multi-faceted approach that encompasses research, innovation, and comprehensive stakeholder engagement.

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Contributing to the well-being of European citizens with Horizon Europe funding by innovative solutions harnessing data and AI

The health teams at Spinverse, led by Rohit Sood and Jayden Khakurel, have had a busy spring with several clients whilst concepting and preparing various innovative and complex project proposals for the calls falling under Horizon Europe programmes in clusters 1 and 4. When successful, the impact of these projects will be life-changing to many people suffering from serious illnesses or mental issues. What is more, the proposed projects aim to enhance European healthcare research infrastructure (RI) and a more secure use of sensitive patient data.

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EU funding opportunities for SMEs in life science and health

Do you need funding for your SME? Are you aiming to commercialize your idea by founding a startup in the coming year? Or maybe you need to accelerate the development of your innovation to reach the market? Either way, EU funding might have open calls that will help you do just that! Of course, you can participate in large Horizon Europe calls in collaboration with academics, non-for-profits, large enterprises, and other SMEs, however, you may want to go for a smaller consortium or apply on your own.   

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Spinverse successfully supported the proposal preparation for Horizon Europe funding, fostering a data-driven collaboration among European pediatric hospitals

The PHEMS project consortium led by Helsinki University Hospital (HUS) will advance data-driven research and innovation activities in pediatrics and the use of privacy-preserving datasets in Europe. The project’s aim is to overcome important barriers that currently hinder cross-border collaboration on health data by developing and validating a decentralized federated health data ecosystem. This will enable an ecosystem without central data repositories or release of sensitive personal health data from hospitals. The proposal preparation was supported by Spinverse. 

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Health sector projects at Spinverse promote wellbeing and research initiatives

Making a positive impact on people’s well-being and treatment of diseases holds true for our customer projects in the health sector. We have witnessed strong growth in public funding for the health sector, and we are excited to have an opportunity to be part of various important projects that aim to tackle some of the most pressing challenges in the health sector. 

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EU funding complements the position of Helsinki University Hospital as innovation platform

Spinverse health tech and funding experts have been supporting Helsinki University Hospital (HUS), the largest academic medical centre in Europe, in some of their publicly funded research projects and activities related to EU funding applications. We discussed with Suzan Ikävalko, Senior Research and Innovation Manager at HUS, on the importance of EU funding as means to boost innovative research projects and collaboration with other parties.

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Project STARDUST aims to bring a new and revolutionary treatment approach for Parkinson’s patients

Spinverse is one of the nine partners in the STARDUST project, launched in 2017, to create a miniaturised neurosurgical implant leading to a proof-of-concept for a new treatment approach for Parkinson’s disease. The four-year project has now progressed to its final year, coming a few steps closer to introduce novel ways to treat a wide variety of diseases.

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Talking about the future of health technologies with Heli Teerenhovi

Heli Teerenhovi joined Spinverse as Senior Manager less than two months ago and has already familiarised herself with some of Spinverse’s health technology projects and the opportunities brought by EU funding to innovative technologies. We discussed with Heli about the future of health technologies and how the new solutions will help provide patients and their care personnel with a more personalised and effective care.

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