Welcoming new talent in Energy team and Spinbase sales
This spring, we are delighted to welcome Axel, Nicholas and Michael to the Spinverse team. They bring with them new expertise in the Energy team and for Spinbase sales.
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This spring, we are delighted to welcome Axel, Nicholas and Michael to the Spinverse team. They bring with them new expertise in the Energy team and for Spinbase sales.
From mostly reacting to partner invitations, the City of Rotterdam now transitions to approach EU opportunities with a proactive mindset first. Our intent is to utilize EU-level funding in enabling innovation and digital capabilities of the region. In this journey, Spinbase becomes a tool to empower every colleague in the municipality to take advantage of funding calls.
As the annual cycle soon closes, October Q4 opened a new and continuous wave of EU funding calls. Many organizations might be focusing on reporting of the current year, but don’t forget this is also the time to build the next year’s strategy and work plans considering some funding deadlines can spawn into Spring 2022.
Equipped with a powerful AI engine and semantic analytics, Spinverse’s funding search engine Spinbase shortens the search time from hours to mere seconds. In our commitment to drive research and innovations, Spinbase listened to customer feedback and made major upgrades. Now with a brand-new user interface, calendar views and email reminders, your team can easily harness the tool and align with upcoming and relevant EU funding calls.
New Horizon Europe programme, new website! We are very excited to announce the launch of a new website for our digital solution, Spinbase! New content includes a lot of valuable information for the future and current users, such as tutorial videos, frequently asked questions, support materials, and customer stories. The new website offers a good information package for organisations who are looking to improve their internal decision-making and processes regarding the identification of EU funding opportunities, partners, and projects.
With the Horizon 2020 programme about to end, the proposed 100 B€ successor programme Horizon Europe will soon commence. Many organisations have already started planning and improving their internal processes to be more pro-active regarding the upcoming opportunities. While we are all waiting for more news on the progress of Horizon Europe, we are excited to announce the release of the newest features in our Spinbase to provide you with even better support in finding the right EU funding calls or partners for your project.
We cannot allow the current COVID-19 crisis stop innovation - let's carry on regardless! However, identifying the right funding and partners for innovations can be challenging with the increasing number of multi-disciplinary EU calls. There are still ways to navigate through the funding application jungle. To help you get started, we are arranging a webinar where we tell you about upcoming EU funding opportunities for sustainable industries and how you can find the right funding instruments using Spinbase.
Join our Spinbase webinar on May 5th, 2020 at 15.30-16.30 (Helsinki, UTC+3, EEST) to learn new ways to find EU funding opportunities and partners!
Technical Research Center (VTT) experts in the European Commission Programmes team are specialised in scouting for suitable EU-funded calls to find funding for the VTT research projects. Isabel Pinto Seppä has worked on the challenging task to identify the suitable calls for VTT. She shares her experiences with Spinbase tool which she has found very helpful in fulfilling her tasks.
Spinbase is a tool developed by Spinverse to ease the complex task of finding the most suitable EU funding instrument for various R&D projects and at the same time, for identifying the relevant partners. Since early 2019, the research support services at Tampere University have successfully been using Spinbase for screening funding opportunities for their research projects.
Finding funding opportunities and partners for your brilliant innovations and ideas is rarely a walk in the park. Spinverse has developed a tool that can ease the complex task of finding the most suitable EU funding instrument for your R&D project while identifying the relevant partners. Spinbase is an AI based funding search tool which will help you in taking your innovations to the next level.