Spinverse in Search of Russian Start-Ups with Global Potential
Spinverse participated at the Skolkovo Village Start-Up event May 26-28th as an official Conference Sponsor
Spinverse participated at the Skolkovo Village Start-Up event May 26-28th as an official Conference Sponsor
European partnership focusing on nanoelectronics ENIAC Joint Undertaking has granted funding for a project coordinated by Okmetic Oyj. The total budget of the “Processes for MEMS by Inkjet Enhanced Technologies,” or PROMINENT project is 9.4 M€, and the coordination is managed by Spinverse Oy.
Sustainable Bioenergy Solutions for Tomorrow (BEST) is a new research programme launched by two SHOK companies, CLEEN and FIBIC. BEST is the first extensively cross-SHOK and genuinely joint research programme, managed by Spinverse. Tekes has agreed to provide 55% of the programme funding.
Finland has been criticized for its ability to turn R&D investments into commercially successful innovations. The evaluation of the Tekes programme “Creating Business from Research” (TULI) showed that the structures and competences for commercialization – as well as attitudes – have developed substantially during the last 10 years. While this competence-building phase was necessary, it is now time to move on to the next level where success is measured by commercial results.
The start-up village event at Skolkovo 26-28 May, 2013
The European Commission is launching the biggest Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020. Its budget of 70 billion for seven years is the biggest of its kind in the world. In the previous Framework Programme, Finland was a net recipient: we received 1.33 times more money than we contributed. Many things will change this time around and there is a possibility that we’ll be left with nothing.
Have you ever thought of what is in your rejuvenating face cream, why sun screen protects your skin from getting burnt and why your carpets don’t get stains, even after spilling some red wine? The answer is nanotechnology and nano-materials.
The European Commission has chosen Graphene as one of Europe’s first 10-year, 1,000 million euro FET flagships. The mission of the flagship is to take graphene and related layered materials from academic laboratories to society, revolutionise multiple industries and create economic growth and new jobs in Europe.
On March 12th Beneq opened a subsidiary and operations in Saint Petersburg to commercialise its atomic layer deposition technology (ALD) in the Russian market. As part of the overall strategy, the company will sign an agreement to launch a joint laboratory for research and development of industrial applications in ALD with Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University (SpbGETU).
Spinverse Ltd. continues to grow, becomes more international and renews its organisation: