
Diagnosing tuberculosis quicker and cheaper with the help of atmospheric pressure plasma technology

Spinverse will team with eight European companies and research institutes in the EU-funded research and innovation project “IP4Plasma” in an effort to fight the second biggest killer among infectious diseases. The aim is to produce a highly sensitive tuberculosis test that will allow a diagnosis within minutes with costs as low as 1€ per test.

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Spinverse to manage new 80M€ breakthrough materials programs for FIMECC

FIMECC has launched two new research programs that will have a major impact in bringing innovative and sustainable materials solutions for many emerging and growing industry sectors. The programs will also enable a major renewal in the Finnish metals and engineering cluster. Spinverse facilitated the preparation of these novel industry driven public-private partnership (PPP) programs and has now been selected to manage both of them.

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Spinverse talks Russia in Helsinki

Luc Jones of Antal Russia wrote in his recent publication: “Russia is not a country where you can just show up and make a quick buck – you need to be in it for the long term. Many have tried and failed, but even more have done extremely well in Russia.” Finnish-Russian economic co-operation has been intensively in the spotlight recently, as the growing Russian market offers plenty of business opportunities for Finnish companies. Though entering the Russian market requires careful planning, and it is vital to get expert advice.

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Markku Heino is building Finland's future with materials technology

The Tekes Functional Materials Programme has invested altogether 150 million euros to renew and strengthen the Finnish industry. The Programme coordinated by Dr. Markku Heino from Spinverse Oy has systematically built new competences and base for new global business. The results are promising: more than 100 patents, 200 publications, 14 new start-ups, and a set of emerging technologies developed in new areas like printed intelligence, renewable energy and biomedical applications.

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Functional Materials programme rocks and creates great results

The Final seminar of the Tekes Functional Materials programme coordinated by Spinverse gathered together close to 300 experts at The Circus, Helsinki, 11.12.13. The event arranged in a former rock club provided a cosy atmosphere for digesting the scientific novelties and technological result highlights provided by short and sharp presentations. A special session and exhibition focusing on “Coatings & manufacturing” showcased highlights regarding the theme. Exciting keynote speakers: Prof. Nasser Peyghambarian (holographic telepresence), Paul Kallmes (Strategic IP Management) and Kivi Sotamaa (Design & 3D manufacturing), a bunch of fresh result highlights from science and industry and a multi-disciplinary audience made it THE EVENT in the field. The “hard day’s night” culminated with an interactive networking session around demos, posters and live blues music – a great forum to build new ideas, multi-disciplinary co-operation and next steps to the future.

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