
Industrial Technologies 2014 offers opportunities for research and industry collaborations

Spinverse is organising the third international event integrating nano, materials and production technologies. It gives an outlook to European and global developments and showcases latest innovations in these fields. Industrial Technologies 2014 follows the success of the previous Industrial Technologies conferences in Brussels in 2010 and in Aarhus in 2012.

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Finnish CTOs: Resource circulation should be encouraged by tax deduction of investment costs

Resource scarcity is the new trend. We have e.g. too little clean water, energy, and rare raw materials. At the same time many resource side-flows from production are being thrown away or seen as waste. The mountains of garbage at the landfills are growing as we speak. Could your waste be my gold? Can this even be seen as a new underused business opportunity? According to the CTOSurvey2014, the respondents believe so.

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Spinverse acquires Innovation Mill-accelerator

Finnish innovation consultancy Spinverse strengthens its service portfolio by acquiring Open Innovation Management Oy. By acquisition Spinverse begins operating the Innovation Mill-accelerator, which commercializes large corporations’ unused ideas and innovations. The accelerator started as cooperation between Nokia, Tekes and Technopolis and during the four years of operation it has created 70 new companies and 650 new jobs.

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Pekka Koponen's column on Kauppalehti: Join the construction boom in China?

Column in Kauppalehti by Pekka Koponen 23.9.2013

Join the construction boom in China?

There is a feeling of unease about the coming winter among the Finnish construction industry. Real estate market outlook is murky and the start of new projects is being delayed. Exports to Russia are booming, but should one venture even further out to the East? More than a third of the global construction activity takes place in China. With the current pace China is constructing the equivalent of the entire building stock of Germany in less than two years.

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U2 guitarist The Edge at EuroNanoForum 2013: “We need to dream up the kind of world we want to live in!”

The Edge, real name David Howell Evans, known as the U2 guitarist, was one of the highlights at EuroNanoForum 2013. Instead of great guitar solos, he encouraged the global research and industry community to continue living dreams and reaching for the future: to continue the safe commercialisation of nanotechnology for improving people’s lives. His video greeting was in line with his activities in supporting public philanthropy and more specifically the fight against the cancer disease in the world.

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