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New colleagues joining us bring loads of expertise for us and our customers

We are excited to introduce our newest team members, a group of accomplished professionals whose skills and expertise will help take Spinverse to the next level. With backgrounds in business development, innovation funding, project management, healthcare, and marketing, our new additions bring a wealth of experience and fresh perspectives to our team. We cannot wait to see what we’ll achieve together.

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Spinverse helped Herantis Pharma secure EIC Accelerator funding to prepare Phase 2 in their treatment for Parkinson’s disease

Herantis Pharma Plc (“Herantis), a company developing disease-modifying therapies for Parkinson’s disease, announced the signing of a grant agreement with the European Innovation Council Accelerator. The funding will launch project ReTreatPD, which will focus on preparations towards a Phase 2 clinical study with HER-096 in conjunction with Parkinson’s disease. The project includes development of biomarkers for monitoring target engagement and treatment response to HER-096 molecule. 

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CTOs of the Year 2023 are Juha Kytölä of Wärtsilä and Kuan Yen Tan of IQM Quantum Computers – Innovation Professor of the Year 2023 is Mircea Guina of Tampere University

This year, the jury consisting of leading technology influencers selected Juha Kytölä of Wärtsilä and Kuan Yen Tan of IQM Quantum Computers as the winners of the CTO of the Year 2023 Awards. The Innovation Professor of the Year Award was given to Mircea Guina of Tampere University.

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Spinverse built an AI Catalogue to bring together academia and industry within the ELISE network

Research organisations focused on the multiple applications for Artificial Intelligence may not always find the right channels nor partners to commercialise their innovations. Finding the right business partners within industry may often prove as one of the obstacles to enter the markets. A project within the ELISE network is now addressing this challenge by launching a Catalogue that provides cherry-picked information on European research organisations focused on AI research, thus making it easier for academia and industry to find the right partners for a fruitful collaboration.

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Finalists of CTO of the Year and Innovation Professor of the Year 2023 in Finland announced

Since 2011, the CTO of the Year Award has been an annual recognition of the importance of Chief Technology officers to the future competitiveness of Finnish industries. The award has two categories: SMEs and Large enterprises. Moreover, for a third year in a row, there will be an award for the Innovation Professor of the Year. The award was set up to increase the recognition of collaboration between academia and companies.

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Health sector projects at Spinverse promote wellbeing and research initiatives

Making a positive impact on people’s well-being and treatment of diseases holds true for our customer projects in the health sector. We have witnessed strong growth in public funding for the health sector, and we are excited to have an opportunity to be part of various important projects that aim to tackle some of the most pressing challenges in the health sector. 

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