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Market study on hydrogen in the Nordics identifies interesting collaboration opportunities for Dutch companies

Spinverse, together in collaboration with the Embassies of the Netherlands in the Nordics and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, has conducted market research regarding hydrogen in the Nordics. This study, titled “Hydrogen in the Nordics: Collaboration Opportunities for Dutch Companies”, delves deep into the needs, strengths, and aspirations unique to each Nordic country with regard to hydrogen economy. 

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LIFE programme for environment and climate: expert insights with Mikko Tiira

The LIFE funding instrument is one of the largest public funding programmes in Europe, dedicated to environment and climate. The instrument is annually launching calls totalling approx. 500 M€ to implement best practices, develop, demonstrate and promote innovative techniques, methods and approaches, accommodating an extremely wide range of topics and sectors. What’s in it for you? We asked our LIFE programme expert Mikko Tiira to navigate us through the intricacies of LIFE.

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Kiilto's SUPER Healthy Buildings Ecosystem: pioneering sustainability and wellbeing in the construction industry

Kiilto, a leader in the construction and building industry, has embarked on an inspiring mission to reshape the sector with their groundbreaking project, the Kiilto SUPER Healthy Buildings Ecosystem. Spearheading this ambitious endeavour is Raija Polvinen, Chief Ecosystem Officer at Kiilto, who is dedicated to addressing the pressing environmental challenges faced by the industry head-on. Spinverse supported Kiilto with their successful funding application for this co-innovation project, securing 3 M€ for this project.

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Spinverse empowered Avantium's breakthrough CO2 utilization project

Avantium, a Dutch company committed to sustainability, is revolutionizing the packaging industry through its ongoing HICCUPS project partially funded by Horizon Europe. By converting biogenic CO2 emissions into bio-based plastics, Avantium joins forces with HICCUPS consortium members to provide eco-friendly packaging solutions. Behind the scenes, Spinverse played a crucial role in empowering Avantium's initiative.

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