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Client News (12)


Prominent success: EU funded project to boost production for Okmetic - world's leading supplier of silicon wafers for MEMS manufacturing

Tekniikka&Talous, a Finnish language news magazine focusing on technological innovations, just published an insightful article on Spinverse-coordinated EU project Prominent (Processes for MEMS by Inkjet Enhanced Technologies), exploring the possibilities of the European MEMS industry. The Research SVP of Okmetic, Markku Tiili, was very pleased on the recently finalised project.

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The latest success story: Finnish SME to revolutionise electronics with EU funding

More and more brilliant SMEs are set to strengthen European competitiveness with the support of Horizon 2020 SME Instrument programme, Spinverse is delighted to make known yet another customer success story: Finnish company TactoTek secured Horizon2020 SME Instrument financing to revolutionise the way we manufacture electronics for the benefit of the European automotive industry.

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Five Finnish SMEs up their game with European funding

According to the recently published statistics from the European Commission, 50 innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from 14 countries have been selected in the latest round of Horizon2020 SME Instrument Phase 2. This time Spain stole the crown with 14 accepted projects, while Finland took fourth spot with 5, after Germany and France with 8 and 6 respectively.

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Spinverse CEO Pekka Koponen speaks about future of energy at the Arctic Business Forum

Following the universal tendency, the European Union is striving to achieve ambitious energy and climate targets by 2020, including 10% requirement of renewable fuels in the transport sector. In many of those energy conservation measures and in terms of efficiency of energy use, Finland numbers among the leading countries in the world. Finland relies heavily on the energy efficiency as the source of most of the country’s cleantech business value.

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The Rise of the Drone: Using drones for biomass emissions tracing in Finland

Bioenergy – a renewable energy derived from biomass – is playing a vital role in many geographical areas. Currently, it is estimated to provide around 10% of the world’s primary energy supply.
In accordance with a global trend, Finland is acknowledged for its long and successful history in bioenergy, especially in forest biomass-based solutions. The high performance in turn has been enabled by innovative technology and engineering solutions as well as strong supporting research sector.

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Spinverse coordinates Kaidi’s plans for a significant foreign investment to Finland: one billion euro for a new biofuel refinery

Spinverse advises Kaidi, one of China’s leading renewable energy producers, to plan a biofuel refinery investment project, an investment of one billion euros to Finland. The second generation biofuel refinery is planned to be built in Ajos, Kemi. The technology used in the biorefinery is globally unique and the planned facility will prove that high-quality biodiesel can be produced from woody biomass.

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