The Final seminar of the Tekes Functional Materials programme coordinated by Spinverse gathered together close to 300 experts at The Circus, Helsinki, 11.12.13. The event arranged in a former rock club provided a cosy atmosphere for digesting the scientific novelties and technological result highlights provided by short and sharp presentations. A special session and exhibition focusing on “Coatings & manufacturing” showcased highlights regarding the theme. Exciting keynote speakers: Prof. Nasser Peyghambarian (holographic telepresence), Paul Kallmes (Strategic IP Management) and Kivi Sotamaa (Design & 3D manufacturing), a bunch of fresh result highlights from science and industry and a multi-disciplinary audience made it THE EVENT in the field. The “hard day’s night” culminated with an interactive networking session around demos, posters and live blues music – a great forum to build new ideas, multi-disciplinary co-operation and next steps to the future.