Three Nordic technology companies joined forces to create a more sustainable transportation fuel
Bridging the gap to economically feasible fuel ethanol from Nordic wood – Spinverse helped three Nordic companies receive over 2,8 M€ of EU funding.
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Bridging the gap to economically feasible fuel ethanol from Nordic wood – Spinverse helped three Nordic companies receive over 2,8 M€ of EU funding.
Spinverse facilitated forming a four-year EU funded project for developing 100% bio-based chemicals, produced from renewable raw materials. These chemicals will replace fossil-based equivalents in a large array of industrial applications and consumer products. The project strengthens further Spinverse’s role as the trusted partner in creating bio-based businesses to 100 M€ scale.
The possibilities of EU funding - case example of a success story.
Fast Track to Innovation is a funding instrument to boost close-to-market innovation projects.
EuroNanoForum 2017 event concluded on 23rd of June in Valletta, Malta after three successful conference and exhibition days that attracted participants from over 40 countries and brought nanotechnology and open innovations in focus to strengthen the competitiveness of European manufacturing industries. In addition to being a co-organiser of the event, Spinverse took an active participant role as well, with Managing Director Laura Koponen, headlining a plenary session on "nanotechnologies for industrial success".
The EU project IP4Plasma reached its finish line in the beginning of 2017 after three years of research and development. In the project, plasma equipment manufacturers and end-users worked with leading experts in research and technology innovation to bring cutting-edge IPR-protected innovations from the laboratory scale to industrial implementation for advanced surface treatment of materials. The project results are remarkable and include an advanced tuberculosis test, the development of a HIV detection test. new types of wound dressings with antibacterial properties and an improved sealing method for medical packaging.
A two-and-a-half-day summer school on smart system integration given by smart-MEMPHIS project consortium, invited speakers and Malta University.
The participation is free of charge but registration is obligatory.
The IP4Plasma project, funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme, aims to enable industrial innovations based on unique IP assets in plasma technology. During the project two e-learning courses have been designed and developed. One course is on “Basic facts on the fourth state of matter and its technical use” and the other on “Atmospheric pressure plasma surface treatment processes – facts and aspects interesting for managers”.