Spinverse enhancing business potential of European pulp mills and biorefineries
Spinverse facilitated forming a four-year EU funded project for developing 100% bio-based chemicals, produced from renewable raw materials. These chemicals will replace fossil-based equivalents in a large array of industrial applications and consumer products. The project strengthens further Spinverse’s role as the trusted partner in creating bio-based businesses to 100 M€ scale.
The industry consortium “VEHICLE”, formed by Spinverse and coordinated by Avantium, will develop and demonstrate technologies in industrial scale that utilise 100% plant-based chemicals produced from renewable raw materials like lignocellulosic biomass from pulp mills and non-food feedstock from biorefineries. The consortium will establish new value chains throughout Europe to supply these plant-based chemicals and materials into a large array of industrial applications and consumer products like packaging applications, pulp and paper products, and bioplastics-based consumer goods.
During the four-year project, Spinverse will take care of governance and day-to-day management in the project on behalf of the consortium and ensure reaching the impact on business and sustainability. In addition to Spinverse, the project involves seven organizations across Europe: Avantium Chemicals BV (NL), Ecohelix (SE), Fundacio Universitaria Balmes (ES), Graanul Biotech Ou (EE), Kemira Oyj (FI), Metgen Oy (FI) and Novamont Spa (IT) .The consortium has been granted a 5.9 M€ funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU), under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
As the trusted partner in forming consortiums, planning and managing innovation projects and ecosystems and helping to scale up businesses, Spinverse builds ecosystems for the most innovative companies in Europe. “The VEHICLE project is one more example of our clients trusting us to turn radical innovations to 100 million business,” says Laura Koponen, Managing Director of Spinverse.
This project has received funding from the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 837866.