
LuxTurrim5G offering showcased in Expo 2020 Dubai as from October

An important gateway to the global market for the smart city offering developed within the LuxTurrim5G ecosystem will be opened at the Expo 2020 Dubai, launching in October. In the event, the LuxTurrim5G concept and two functional smart poles will be showcased together with Nokia and Tehomet, Orbis, Teleste, Vaisala, Indagon, L7 Drive, Link Design, VTT and Spinverse. Spinverse has been part of the ecosystem since its very start, taking care of the ecosystem leadership and project coordination.   

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Annual review of business model and update of business plan

At this time of the year, IMCG is helping many clients with change management and business development. Based on business environment analysis, we review the business model together with the client and prepare a strategy for next year. Based on the strategy, the business plan is then updated with identified change proposals.   

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Series of business conversations on reimagining the value chains for the digital age

Great opportunities for sustainable growth can appear from multiple directions. Sometimes, they occur as a result of unforeseen circumstances, such as global events which trigger a re-wiring of business, government, and society’s mode of operation. Sometimes these transformational shifts are recognized by large corporates who have a clear understanding of how fast the snow is melting at the edges of their organization, recognizing that they have to simultaneously dramatically change to a new business model, at the same time as delivering on existing business commitments. Join a series of conversations around these topics, arranged by HCL Technologies and moderated by our Patrick Halford!  

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Spinbase, AI-based search tool for EU funding, partners and projects

Simplify EU funding search -  Spinbase upgrades user interface and new features

Equipped with a powerful AI engine and semantic analytics, Spinverse’s funding search engine Spinbase shortens the search time from hours to mere seconds. In our commitment to drive research and innovations, Spinbase listened to customer feedback and made major upgrades. Now with a brand-new user interface, calendar views and email reminders, your team can easily harness the tool and align with upcoming and relevant EU funding calls.  

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Veera Mustonen: reinventing smart cities after the pandemic

Veera Mustonen recently joined Spinverse as a Senior Manager. She leads an experienced and international Smart Cities and Mobility team with a wide variety of technology, industry and city management capabilities. Veera and her team support Spinverse customers in building and running complex mobility and city ecosystems and international consortia across organisations of all types. We had a chat with Veera about the future insights of this sector, which has been close to her heart for almost a decade.

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Finnish hydrogen cluster opens up doors to European networks

In spring 2021, a national company-led hydrogen cluster was established in Finland to accelerate hydrogen economy and exports of hydrogen-related solutions. To date, the cluster has attracted almost 50 companies already, including Spinverse, which will provide services for building project consortia, raising funding and coordinating projects. The cluster aims to open up doors to European networks as there are plans to invest tens of billions of euros to hydrogen economy. The cluster has now published its website.

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Spinverse strengthens its expert teams

This spring and summer,we were seeking for several new experts to join our ranks, and we are now gradually onboarding our newly hired colleagues. They will help our customers grow through public funding in health tech, defence and security, smart city & mobility, manufacturing industries, and ICT & electronics. Warm welcome to Renuka, Cloé, Veera, Robert, Simo-Pekka, Sameer and Diederick.

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LIFE 2021 call is open -  billions of euros in funding for environment and climate objectives

The LIFE programme dating back to 1992 is the only European Union fund entirely dedicated to environmental and climate objectives. A recent provisional agreement to raise the budget of the programme to more than 5.48 B€ for 2021-2027 offers growth opportunities to basically anyone registered in the EU to apply for LIFE funding: public bodies, companies, and NGOs, including growth companies. The first LIFE call for proposals has just opened and this is the time to act! 

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