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Spinverse News (2)

Spinverse to navigate Helsinki-Uusimaa region towards higher investments in research, development and innovation

Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council has chosen Spinverse to create a strategic roadmap towards an increase in the region’s investment in research, development and innovation (RDI). An understanding of the status of RDI activities in the region and a visionary roadmap towards the future will be created in the participatory process with local stakeholders in the coming months. 

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Artificial Intelligence and Social Responsibility: Are we ready to invest in learning and development?

In the times marked by the rapid evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, we find ourselves at a critical crossroads. Companies and employees face a choice: embrace the future or miss out on incredible opportunities? Our Head of People and Culture Dijana Soininen emphasises the importance of learning and development in this era of emerging AI.

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