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EU funding (7)

Customer success-story: MacroArray Diagnostics secured 2,5 M€ EU funding for an allergy diagnostics innovation project

Allergies and asthma affect at least a quarter of the population. While often harmless, an increasing number of people suffer from severe allergies, resulting in more than 300.000 avoidable deaths per year. The WHO therefore declared allergy a major health problem of the 21st century. Currently, medical practitioners must pre-select very few allergens for in-vitro testing, based on prior anamnesis, which often results in false or incomplete diagnosis. There is no cost-efficient technology to improve the quality of diagnosis to an optimal level for patient-tailored and evidence-based treatment. The fast-growing segment of molecular diagnostic tests requires a new generation of assays and laboratory automation.

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Unique bioeconomy project raises 21 million in funding. ”We produce with wood what used to be made with oil”

SWEETWOODS is a 43-million-euro joint pilot project that was recently granted 21 million euros in funding under the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme’s Bio-Based Industries financial instrument. Horizon 2020 is the biggest research and innovation programme in the world, supporting the development and introduction of new technologies. SWEETWOODS represented the only flagship project in the bioeconomy sector. The project is implemented through collaborative efforts of nine partner companies.

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SMEs in Finland: are you interested in EU funding for R&D and market entry?

EU Breakfast seminar: In just 1,5 hours, learn if your company could receive funding. At the same time you will learn how the SME instrument will change in the beginning of 2018 and how this will affect you. After the presentationsyou have the possibility to discuss your potential for EU funding with experts and go through already existing project ideas.

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EuroNanoForum 2017 a look into the future: what will nanotechnology industry look like in 10 years?

EuroNanoForum 2017 event concluded on 23rd of June in Valletta, Malta after three successful conference and exhibition days that attracted participants from over 40 countries and brought nanotechnology and open innovations in focus to strengthen the competitiveness of European manufacturing industries. In addition to being a co-organiser of the event, Spinverse took an active participant role as well, with Managing Director Laura Koponen, headlining a plenary session on "nanotechnologies for industrial success".

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Spinverse establishes presence in the Factory Berlin HQ - the largest startup campus in Germany

Spinverse has recently opened a new office in Berlin, in the renowned Factory Berlin HQ - first and largest startup campus in Germany, located at Rheinsberger Str. 76/77. This new presence offers excellent connections within the network of innovators consisting of freelancers, startups from all possible stages and verticals, established corporations as well as investors and leading influencers from politics, science and society. Members of the community include SoundCloud, Uber and Twitter among others.

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The latest success story: Finnish SME is making indoor worlds discoverable with EU funding

Spinverse is delighted to make known yet another customer success story: Finnish company IndoorAtlas secured Horizon2020 SME Instrument financing to scale-up and expand the disruptive geomagnetic indoor positioning technology delivered as a scalable cloud platform.

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