The Spinverse Team is Growing
Spinverse has grown its innovation ecosystems and business consulting business areas with five new professionals.
Spinverse has grown its innovation ecosystems and business consulting business areas with five new professionals.
(UPM, Helsinki, 18.12.2014 at 11:30) - UPM and Indicatorium Oy have entered into an agreement for the international commercialisation of the food freshness indicator technology developed by UPM. Food freshness indicator is a smart label that reacts to certain chemicals and helps to determine whether a food product is still fresh and safe to eat. Indicatorium is aiming to introduce food freshness indicator to the global markets. Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation will finance the initial stage of the project.
The European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) has made a decision to finance a European innovation cluster specialised in the field of minerals. The new innovation cluster will focus on the European raw material needs. One of its six offices will be based in Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland. Spinverse is part of the Finnish cluster.
Column in Kauppalehti by Pekka Koponen 15.12.2014, B16
CTO Survey: Two thirds of Finnish technology leaders believe that low carbon solutions strengthen competitiveness.
EuroNanoForum 2015 takes place on 10-12th June 2015 in Riga, Latvia, under the auspices of the Latvian presidency of the European Union. It is organised by the University of Latvia and Spinverse in cooperation with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation and has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
The industry-driven PPP, public-private partnership programme, FIMECC DEMAPP has created a unique competence platform and a variety of concrete energy, materials and cost-effective solutions boosting the competitiveness of the metals, engineering and cleantech industries. Focusing on need-based, application-driven R&D of advanced materials for extreme service conditions the programme has provided great results, both in terms of scientific novelty and high industrial impact, which were presented in the final seminar in September 30, 2014 at Kino Tapiola, Espoo, Finland.
Professor Richard Parker of Rolls-Royce plc and Dr. Gert-Jan Gruter of Avantium were awarded as CTO of the Year Europe 2014 representing large companies and SMEs, respectively. The European CTO of the year 2014 award ceremony by Spinverse and EIRMA took place in the evening of October 9th in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
Column in Kauppalehti by Pekka Koponen 6.10.2014, B18
According to the recently published statistics of Finland’s participation in the EU’s 7th framework program, Spinverse is in third place as to the number of projects out of all Finnish SMEs, totaling to seven funded projects. The success rate for Spinverse for the application to funding ratio is 100%.