
New colleagues at Spinverse bring new expertise

We are glad to introduce our newest experts to the growing family of Spinverse. Our new colleagues complement our already strong expert teams with their expertise on forestry, bioeconomy, advanced energy sources, forestry, EU policies, and health tech – all very hot sectors in today’s industry landscape. Meet Jyrki, Anna, Sonja, Heli, and Jayden.

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CTO of the Year Europe award rescheduled to 2021

Due to the unprecedented and unpredictable spread of the COVID-19 outbreak, the organisers of CTO of the Year Europe - Orgalim, EIRMA and Spinverse - have decided to arrange the next award voting and event in 2021. The dates for a rescheduled award event will be announced in the course of 2021. 

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When is the first call? Horizon Europe is taking the next steps towards its implementation

We are all waiting for more news on the progress of Horizon Europe, the next big European framework programme for research and innovation for the years 2021-2027. Here are some updates to the current situation regarding decisions and timeline of Horizon Europe and some other European funding instruments for you to be able to start the preparations for your project proposal.

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4.3 M€ to a solar energy project at Chalmers

The Chalmers researcher Kasper Moth-Poulsen's unique solar energy system, MOST, has been granted just over 4.3 M€ in funding from the prestigious EU programme, Future Emerging Technologies (FET) within the Horizon 2020 framework. "This project would not have been possible without IMCG's professional help. IMCG was involved from the start and helped me to identify funding options, how to find good partners, how to structure the project and how to present all this in the proposal," Kasper says.

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Ecosystems tackle grand challenges — Spinverse helps them to succeed and create impact!

Spinverse has accumulated years of experience on professionally leading and orchestrating innovation ecosystems with varying levels of complexity and size. Recently our experts Laura Koponen, Markku Heino and Sari Kola joined forces with Ulla Koivukoski to share their experiences in a brand-new Ecosystem Handbook. Spinverse also offers a renewed service portfolio to help with the inevitable challenges of working in ecosystems. Read here how we can help you and your company to succeed in ecosystems and make a real impact together with your partners!

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Economic growth needs innovation and long-term projects — where is the needed public funding?

The Finnish economic success has been based on high-quality education and research. However, Finnish companies are currently investing significantly less in research and development than ten years ago. In 2010, the Finnish government began to decrease its annual support for cooperation between universities and companies by 250 M€. Read here our summary of an article by Swedish Yle where, among other experts, our managing director Laura Koponen was interviewed.

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Latest news about Horizon Europe and other growth opportunities beyond 2020

Horizon Europe, the EU’s next framework programme for research and innovation, is approaching fast after the policymakers are returning from their August holidays. The work has already commenced in Brussels — next steps are being taken to finalise the Horizon Europe programme. We are sharing here our insight into how Horizon Europe evolves at the moment and how some other interesting funding opportunities, such as the new New Generation EU, await innovative and sustainable industries.

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A must-read: Ecosystem Handbook - The art of leading and creating impact

In today’s rapidly changing world, very few organizations or people can make it alone. At best, orchestrated ecosystems built around companies can be strong drivers for growth and competitiveness but building and leading them can be tricky. A group of Spinverse ecosystem leaders recently rolled up their sleeves with Ulla Koivukoski for an interesting book project. The newly published Ecosystem Handbook offers fresh insights for engaging different people and organizations, to work better together to solve complex problems and grand challenges. The book gives practical help both for ecosystem leaders and all people working in them.

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Spinverse helped ELISE project to gain 12 M€ funding – project aims to make Europe powerhouse of AI

The goal of the European multi-disciplinary ELISE project, recently funded with 12 M€ by the European Commission, is to drive artificial intelligence (AI) by machine learning (ML). The consortium of 23 partners, including Spinverse, will build upon the open and excellence-driven ELLIS research network of top-level and diverse AI institutes that aim to drive adoption of outstanding ML algorithms and research in European companies. Spinverse facilitated the preparation of the funding proposal and will lead the communication and dissemination activities toward European industries at large during the project.

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