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Spinverse has its mind set at the future

Spinverse helps to refine an innovation into business — we know where large companies are going to be in five years’ time. Laura Koponen, Managing Director and D.Sc. (tech) is proud of her incredibly brilliant employees. There are over 10 employees with doctorate degrees and people with solid experience from working at various technology companies, amounting to hundreds of years put together. Even though there is a good representation from industrial engineering and management at Spinverse, there are also a few economists and chemists: “We recently hired our first architect!”   

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Spinverse led smart city ecosystem expanding

LuxTurrim5G ecosystem led by Nokia and Spinverse is building the digital backbone of smart city. Based on the smart 5G light poles developed recently, now the focus of the joint development of key high-tech companies and top-notch research groups is set on piloting the fast 5G network and developing new data driven services for the real needs of cities. Through a two-year, EUR 26 million, intensive co-development effort the group of 26 partners target the global smart city markets worth tens of billions of euros.

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Key insights into building and leading open innovation ecosystems

How to co-create and collaborate in complex and continuously changing environments? What are the cornerstones on which successful innovation ecosystems are built on? How can design thinking help to facilitate effective cooperation in an open innovation ecosystem?

We at Spinverse have been working on open innovation with the most innovative companies and organisations throughout our 15-year history. A few years ago, Spinverse started a research project on leadership of open innovation ecosystems. After diving deep into the subject by going through numerous studies, attending seminars and conferences as well as interviewing experts and stakeholders, we are now happy to share our key learnings with you in a series of whitepapers on the topic.

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Accelerating biomass conversion technologies - Spinverse helped with 13 M€ EU grant

Avantium N.V. with nine partners across Europe were awarded with a € 13 million grant from Horizon2020's SPIRE programme. The project will integrate and scale up Avantium's new biorefinery process Dawn and novel catalytic process for bio-based MEG (mono ethylene glycol) Mekong. Avantium, with 6 M€ share of the grant leads the consortium called IMPRESS. Spinverse assisted Avantium and the consortium in preparing the winning application.

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