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Spinverse enhancing business potential of European pulp mills and biorefineries

Spinverse facilitated forming a four-year EU funded project for developing 100% bio-based chemicals, produced from renewable raw materials. These chemicals will replace fossil-based equivalents in a large array of industrial applications and consumer products. The project strengthens further Spinverse’s role as the trusted partner in creating bio-based businesses to 100 M€ scale.

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Floating recycling centre in Gothenburg

In autumn 2019, Gothenburg will receive a floating recycling centre. The barge with containers will moor up at five quays between the Älvsborgsbron and Götaälvbron bridges. The aim is to make the city more car-free and unburden other recycling centres in the city. 

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Taking you to the frontier: the popular funding scheme for SMEs revamped

European Commission shifts into high gear in its popular funding scheme for small and medium-sized enterprises. Preparing for Horizon Europe, the upcoming ninth framework programme for funding innovation, the European Innovation Council is rolling out the Accelerator Pilot during 2019 and 2020. Combining grant and equity funding, the EIC Accelerator Pilot replaces the SME Instrument Phase II with its first cut-off on October 9th. The SME Instrument Phase I, the 50,000 € grant for a feasibility study, will no longer be available after the September 5th cut-off.  

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