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Public Funding (7)

LIFE programme for environment and climate: expert insights with Mikko Tiira

The LIFE funding instrument is one of the largest public funding programmes in Europe, dedicated to environment and climate. The instrument is annually launching calls totalling approx. 500 M€ to implement best practices, develop, demonstrate and promote innovative techniques, methods and approaches, accommodating an extremely wide range of topics and sectors. What’s in it for you? We asked our LIFE programme expert Mikko Tiira to navigate us through the intricacies of LIFE.

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Kiilto's SUPER Healthy Buildings Ecosystem: pioneering sustainability and wellbeing in the construction industry

Kiilto, a leader in the construction and building industry, has embarked on an inspiring mission to reshape the sector with their groundbreaking project, the Kiilto SUPER Healthy Buildings Ecosystem. Spearheading this ambitious endeavour is Raija Polvinen, Chief Ecosystem Officer at Kiilto, who is dedicated to addressing the pressing environmental challenges faced by the industry head-on. Spinverse supported Kiilto with their successful funding application for this co-innovation project, securing 3 M€ for this project.

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Spinverse empowered Avantium's breakthrough CO2 utilization project

Avantium, a Dutch company committed to sustainability, is revolutionizing the packaging industry through its ongoing HICCUPS project partially funded by Horizon Europe. By converting biogenic CO2 emissions into bio-based plastics, Avantium joins forces with HICCUPS consortium members to provide eco-friendly packaging solutions. Behind the scenes, Spinverse played a crucial role in empowering Avantium's initiative.

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IRIS Smart Cities: Creating smart and sustainable cities

IMCG, now part of Spinverse, was a key partner in the HORIZON 2020 EU funded project, IRIS (Integrated and Replicable solutions for co-creation in Sustainable cities), which received 18 million euros in funding and aimed to accelerate the adoption of smart sustainable city solutions across Europe. Over the course of the five and a half years until March 2023, the project brought together more than 50 partners and seven European cities with a mission to build a more sustainable future for our cities and the people who call them home.

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Innovation Fund small-scale 2023 call has opened: Scale up your technology for more GHG emission savings

Since 2021, CINEA (European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency) is organizing Innovation Fund instruments, annual EUR multi-billion calls to decrease industrial carbon footprint and improve European capacity in key resource areas. This year, the small-scale Innovation Fund call is expected to finance around 100 M€ grants for disruptive technologies capable of significant greenhouse gas (GHG) savings compared to the current scenario. Is your technology ready to take off from pilot to full industrial scale?

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Spinverse helped Herantis Pharma secure EIC Accelerator funding to prepare Phase 2 in their treatment for Parkinson’s disease

Herantis Pharma Plc (“Herantis), a company developing disease-modifying therapies for Parkinson’s disease, announced the signing of a grant agreement with the European Innovation Council Accelerator. The funding will launch project ReTreatPD, which will focus on preparations towards a Phase 2 clinical study with HER-096 in conjunction with Parkinson’s disease. The project includes development of biomarkers for monitoring target engagement and treatment response to HER-096 molecule. 

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