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Public Funding (13)

Spinverse can help manage your publicly funded projects so that you can focus on your RDI

Spinverse has a solid track record of helping customers receive public funding, with more than 500 M€ secured for our customers. Our funding experts know how to navigate through the jungle of applying for public funding and how to help prepare the best possible project proposal in calls for national or EU funding. However, Spinverse expertise does not end there, but we can also help when it comes to kicking off, managing, leading and coordinating a funded project.

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LuxTurrim5G-ratkaisut valmiita maailmanlaajuisille älykaupunkimarkkinoille

  • LuxTurrim5G-ekosysteemin tutkimus- ja kehitysvaihe, jossa kehitettiin älypylväitä ja niihin liittyvää infrastruktuuria, data-alustaa sekä älykaupungin palveluita, on nyt saatu onnistuneesti päätökseen
  • Tutkimus- ja kehitystyöhön osallistunut yrityskonsortio valmistautuu nyt laajentamaan pilotteja aitoihin kaupunkiympäristöihin ja käynnistämään ratkaisun kaupallistamisen

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Espoo – Nokian vetämä LuxTurrim5G-hanke on saavuttanut tärkeän välietapin saatuaan päätökseen älypylväiden, data-alustan ja siihen liittyvien älykaupunkipalveluiden tutkimus- ja kehitysvaiheen. Monialainen 26 yhteistyökumppanin konsortio on saavuttanut lupaavia tuloksia, joita esitellään tänään webinaarissa. 

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Clean Hydrogen Partnership of Horizon Europe has been launched

This week has been the European Hydrogen week! On Monday the 29th November, the Horizon Europe Clean Hydrogen Partnership was officially launched, following the footsteps of Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking. This brand new partnership will have a budget of 2 B€, and it is a joined collaboration between The Commission, Hydrogen Europe and Hydrogen Europe Research. The official website for the new partnership is expected to open soon.

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The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) will be launched at the end of November

The CBE partnership worth 2 billion euros between the European Union and the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) is the successor of BBI partnership. Bio-based industries are considered to be a key enabler of the green transition towards a resilient and environmentally sustainable EU economy. The CBE JU’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) and the Work Programme for 2022 are expected to be adopted in Q1-Q2 of 2022, after which the first CBE JU call for project proposals will be launched, bringing growth opportunities to companies working in this sector.

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The Digital Europe Programme drives the digital transformation of Europe with 7.6 B€ and the first calls have just opened

Making a greener and more digital Europe is one of the biggest challenges for our generation. The Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) is a new funding programme from the European Union, which focuses to strategically fund the development and acceleration of European digital technologies to businesses, citizens and public administrations and support the recovery of the economy from the pandemic. With the opened and upcoming calls for proposals, that release the budget of 7.6 B€, there will be remarkable growth opportunities to small and mid-sized enterprises working on digital technologies as well as to organisations providing key technological capabilities and services.

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Small-scale Innovation Fund to boost your CO2-reducing projects and innovations

Is your company on a mission to reduce carbon emissions to fight climate change? To become climate neutral by 2050, Europe has to take drastic measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. To support this ambitious goal, European Commission has launched an Innovation Fund programme to fund both large-scale and small-scale projects that demonstrate low-carbon technologies. Read on to find out if your SME company or a consortium you are part of is eligible to have your fair share of the 10 B€ available through this massive funding programme over the period of 2020-2030 — the next small-scale call is approaching early next year!

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EU funding for Research and Innovation

Open EU funding calls in Q4 2021 – find what matches your R&I instantly

As the annual cycle soon closes, October Q4 opened a new and continuous wave of EU funding calls. Many organizations might be focusing on reporting of the current year, but don’t forget this is also the time to build the next year’s strategy and work plans considering some funding deadlines can spawn into Spring 2022.

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Strategic European partnership on Smart Networks and Services to boost 5G deployment and 6G research activities

The European Commission has adopted its legislative proposal for a strategic European partnership on Smart Networks and Services as a Joint Undertaking, with a public R&I investment of 900 M€ over the new long-term budget period 2021-2027. The Joint Undertaking will coordinate research activities on 6G technology under Horizon Europe and 5G deployment initiatives under the Connecting Europe Facility Digital and other programmes.

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Spinverse helps industry connect with the latest European research in AI

We discussed with Patrick Halford who leads our Digital Industries team about the research activities around Artificial Intelligence (AI). Keeping up with the many overlapping technologies under the umbrella of what is commonly known as artificial intelligence as they ride their respective cost/performance improvement curves is no easy feat. It is, however, an essential element of Spinverse’s business model as we strive to help our clients from across all industries and organization types capitalise on converging technologies to secure R&D&I funding and build out new value chains. 

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