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Public Funding (16)

Deal on Horizon Europe and EU multiannual budget

The European Parliament and the Council finally reached an agreement on the forthcoming EU’s R&I programme Horizon Europe. To finalize the deal, it needs to be approved formally by  the European Parliament and the Member States. Moreover, Member States’ leaders reached a budget deal on EU’s recovery package and multiannual financial framework which brings the beginning of EU’s new budget period even closer.  

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When is the first call? Horizon Europe is taking the next steps towards its implementation

We are all waiting for more news on the progress of Horizon Europe, the next big European framework programme for research and innovation for the years 2021-2027. Here are some updates to the current situation regarding decisions and timeline of Horizon Europe and some other European funding instruments for you to be able to start the preparations for your project proposal.

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Economic growth needs innovation and long-term projects — where is the needed public funding?

The Finnish economic success has been based on high-quality education and research. However, Finnish companies are currently investing significantly less in research and development than ten years ago. In 2010, the Finnish government began to decrease its annual support for cooperation between universities and companies by 250 M€. Read here our summary of an article by Swedish Yle where, among other experts, our managing director Laura Koponen was interviewed.

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Latest news about Horizon Europe and other growth opportunities beyond 2020

Horizon Europe, the EU’s next framework programme for research and innovation, is approaching fast after the policymakers are returning from their August holidays. The work has already commenced in Brussels — next steps are being taken to finalise the Horizon Europe programme. We are sharing here our insight into how Horizon Europe evolves at the moment and how some other interesting funding opportunities, such as the new New Generation EU, await innovative and sustainable industries.

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Spinverse helped ELISE project to gain 12 M€ funding – project aims to make Europe powerhouse of AI

The goal of the European multi-disciplinary ELISE project, recently funded with 12 M€ by the European Commission, is to drive artificial intelligence (AI) by machine learning (ML). The consortium of 23 partners, including Spinverse, will build upon the open and excellence-driven ELLIS research network of top-level and diverse AI institutes that aim to drive adoption of outstanding ML algorithms and research in European companies. Spinverse facilitated the preparation of the funding proposal and will lead the communication and dissemination activities toward European industries at large during the project.

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BlueInvest Fund boosts SMEs specialised on sustainable solutions in blue economy

The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund supported the sustainable development of the blue economy SMEs across the European Union with an overall budget of 22,5 M€ in its 2019 call for proposals. The BlueInvest Fund addressed the challenge of developing and bringing to market new products, services, and business models for early-stage businesses, SMEs and scale-ups. The next BlueInvest call 2020 with a budget of 20 M€ is planned to be published later this autumn with a deadline in mid-January 2021. Is your company ready to tackle the new opportunities enabled by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund? Find out how Spinverse can help you get ready for the upcoming funding opportunity!

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EWGIC Position Paper: European recovery needs innovation

The European Working Group of Innovation Consultants (EWGIC) has published a new Position Paper regarding the agreement by European Council on the Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF) and the Next Generation EU budget. The Position Paper, released on the 24th of July 2020 makes a plea to European Parliament's decision makers to take swift action to prevent the Horizon Europe's budget cuts that threaten to slow down the recovery of Europe from the current economic crisis.

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Horizon Europe: growth opportunities for thousands of innovative projects – are you ready for your next step?

Horizon Europe will be launched in January 2021 and extends until 2027. It is the European Commission's proposal for an ambitious programme worth close to 100 B€ to boost European research and innovation. Over the coming months, we can expect more detailed information on this programme and its strategic planning process, work programmes, funding calls and other relevant activities. If your company is interested in seizing the moment for future growth, now is the time to act! Spinverse has developed a new service to help you — find out how!

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The first call of the Innovation Fund is now open for proposals to boost greener Europe

The European Commission has just launched the first call for proposals under the Innovation Fund, with over 1 B€ allocated for clean technology projects. This massive programme is meant for the projects for innovative low-carbon technologies and it is financed by revenues gained from the auction of emission allowances from the EU's Emissions Trading System.

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