
Spinverse Selected to Coordinate Tekes Green Growth Programme

Spinverse Oy has been selected to coordinate Tekes Green Growth programme (2010-2015; 79 M€).

The programme aims to support the generation of innovations enabling significant leaps in energy and material efficiency and to create foundation for the development of new value networks based on green growth. The vision of the programme is that Finland will have leading expertise and understanding related to sustainable energy and natural resources use. This will provide Finnish companies a competitive advantage in the international market.

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Fortum’s Petra Lundström is CTO of the Year 2012

Opinion leader with long experience in energy sector

CTO Petra Lundström at Fortum Corporation has been chosen as 2012 Chief Technology Officer of the Year. Technology Academy Finland (TAF) gives the award in recognition of the work of a CTO who has made a significant contribution to the performance and growth potential of their company through technology. The winning CTO is an inspiring leader and is actively involved in professional organisations and discussion on the role played by technology in society. The CTO of the Year award is held in partnership with Spinverse Oy, Confederation of Finnish Industries EK and Sitra.

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Spinverse Study on Finnish CTOs 2012 Published

Finnish CTOs don’t plan drastic cuts in 2012 R&D budgets, but will recruit less

Over 70 Finnish companies participated in the CTO Survey 2012, which was run for the second consecutive year. The study was conducted by technology and innovation consultancy Spinverse, with Sitra, the Federation of Finnish Industries EK and Technology Academy Finland. The survey is launched at today's CTO Forum, which will also see the announcement of the 2012 CTO of the Year.

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Innovation funding creates an obligation to communicate - Pekka Koponen's column in Kauppalehti

The looming threat of a recession increases the importance of R&D funding, both directly from Tekes and by other means such as tax incentives. Recipients of such funding also have an obligation to communicate to taxpayers about how it is being used, even before specific results are achieved. When the message is clear, new and bold, the media writes. Also positively.

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European Nanotechnology Landscape Report Published

Spinverse and ObservatoryNANO provide nanotechnology landscape report to policy makers

European faces a number of ‘Grand Challenges’, outlined in the Lund Declaration 2009, such as the global warming, tightening supplies of energy, water and food, ageing societies, public health, pandemics and security. Nanotechnologies offer the potential to help address a number of these challenges leading to an eco-efficient European economy, which competes effectively with other world regions.

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