
'Growth companies for bioeconomy' - Pekka Koponen's column in Kauppalehti

Finland has started well with cleantech, and now the big companies are directing their R&D efforts from paper manufacturing towards bioeconomy. This new business sector would need growth companies to develop it further. Unlike the ICT sector that has received plenty of entrepreneurs and funding during the years past, the bioeconomy sector is dominated by global corporations and thus experience is needed to understand the name of the game. Also funding needs are different when bigger investments are needed already for the beginning. Public efforts should be continued and the services commercialized. In addition, new capital funding and venture capitalists are needed.

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The second Partner Day on the Finnish-Russian Innovation Alliance on Nanotechnology held on 14 June 2012

The second Finnish-Russian Innovation Alliance on Nanotechnology Partner Day was held within the frameworks of the 3rd EU-Russia Innovation Forum & 21st EBN Annual Congress in Lappeenranta, Finland on 14.06.2012
The event’s aim was to discuss challenges related to IPR management within the frameworks of cross-border nanotechnology commercialization and cover crucial themes that should be taken into account when technology is looking for investors. The seminar was arranged by Spinverse and there were over 50 participants including Innovation Alliance Partner Organizations, from both academia and business in Europe and Russia.

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Functional Materials Summer Festival

Materials development renewing Finnish industry

The active two-day Annual Seminar (29.-30.05.2012) of the Tekes Functional Materials Programme coordinated by Spinverse, gathered together 250 experts and presented a bunch of new exciting results both from companies and research projects. Fresh result highlights include e.g. roll-to-roll ALD coating (Beneq), flexible & formable touch sensors (Canatu), novel solar thermal collectors (Savo-Solar, Aurubis, PolarSol), antimicrobial fabrics (Silvergreen), ultra-high strength biocomposites (Vivoxid) & injectable bone cement (Ozics) for bone fracture treatment, fibril cellulose for industrial applications (UPM) and as cell growth media (Helsinki University), and formable plywood (UPM Grada).

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