

Fortum receives significant funding to create industrial biovillage ecosystem

Fortum is launching a significant development project that aims to manufacture high-value products from agro residues and woody biomass to replace the use of fossil and other environmentally taxing raw materials. The project will be a part of Business Finland’s Bio and Circular Finland Program, which is aiming to make Finland the forerunner of the circular economy. Spinverse has actively participated in project planning and preparation.

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Shared victory in SmartSteel Innovation Challenge

A shared victory between Fraunhofer Institute IPM from Germany and Luleå University of Technology from Sweden, who both came up with ideas on how to trace steel products by using the materials own characteristics. That was the result of the SmartSteel Innovation Challenge 2018 arranged by Spinverse with SSAB and Sandvik Materials Technology.

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Platform of Trust: 5 million euros for a digital platform innovation for  construction and real estate business

Suomen Tilaajavastuu Oy was selected as one of the five Growth Engines in a competitive bidding by Business Finland. Spinverse assisted the company win 5 million euros as capital loan for the development of a data platform for the construction and real estate business. Growth engine status is granted for platform companies capable of building business worth more than 1 BEUR.

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Nominate the CTOs of the Year 2019

The title of the CTO of the Year is awarded annually to highlight the importance of Chief Technology Officers to the future competitiveness of Finnish industries. Promote the CTO who has made an impact not only to his or her company, but also in Finland and globally. You can nominate anyone who is responsible for their company's technology in Finland. The nomination period is open until the 21th of January 2019.

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