Spinverse’s sustainability advisory for your innovation journey

Innovation is largely driven by sustainability. Sustainability-driven innovations help both creating more value for a company’s products and services. Such innovations also help reduce costs through increased efficiency in energy and material use as well as in optimised supply chain operations. Instead of just focusing on the operations of the own organisation, system-level thinking is usually needed to identify challenges and opportunities throughout the entire value chain of products. Spinverse’s service portfolio includes sustainability advisory to help you tackle these aspects along your whole innovation journey.

Examples of sustainable innovations

Renewable energy production systems and utilising or upcycling previously unused side and waste flows to create new products can be considered examples of sustainable innovations. Also, replacing non-renewable or otherwise unsustainable or problematic raw materials with sustainable ones in a product value chain can help mitigate risks related to raw material availability and price volatility.

Our specialised experts can help ensure that your innovations are aligned with the required sustainability criteria, have a real sustainability impact, and that they are in line with your own strategies and ambitions, which is a key success factor of a funding proposal.

Spinverse has strong expertise in different public funding programmes and private funding sourcesand their requirements. This includes solid understanding of sustainability aspects. Our specialised experts can help ensure that your innovations are aligned with the required sustainability criteria, have a real sustainability impact, and that they are in line with your own strategies and ambitions, which is a key success factor of a funding proposal. To achieve this, we help you understand your operational environment and value chain interactions and identify blind spots.

Sustainability assessment

Sustainability assessment is an integral part of Spinverse funding services to ensure that your innovation project complies with the specific sustainability criteria of a grant call or funding instrument. To support you throughout your innovation journey, we can also offer sustainability services separately as follows:

Strategic planning
- Aligning corporate, business, and innovation strategies with sustainability criteria
- Assessing sustainability compliance and impact of new strategies.

Business development

- Identifying business opportunities and business risks connected to sustainability
- Assessing sustainability compliance and impact of new business models, supply chains, products and services.

Research, development and innovation activities
- Assessing potential sustainability gains and risks of an R&D&I project, including direct and indirect impact, and compliance with legislation and Do No Significant Harm framework.

Implementation & follow-up
- Following up and verifying sustainability impact from implemented projects and activities.

Examples of our sustainability assessment services 

Product level: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) (ISO14040, 14044),Carbon footprint (ISO 14067),Environmental product declarations (EPD),EU Product Environmental Footprint (PEF), Product Life Cycle Accounting according to the greenhouse gas (GHG) protocol standard, Carbonhandprint.

Organisational level: Corporate scopes 1, 2 and 3 according to the GHG protocol standard (applied e.g., in setting corporate science-based targets), EU Organisation Environmental Footprint (OEF). 

Would you like to learn more about our advisory services related to sustainability assessment? Get in touch with our experts today!

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