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Client News (9)


LuxTurrim5G ecosystem builds the smart city of the future

Nokia Bell Labs driven industry group is building key enablers for fast 5G network based on smart light poles, which will form the digital backbone of future smart cities. The LuxTurrim5G ecosystem project has developed the 5G smart pole concept where 5G base stations, a variety of different sensors, video cameras, displays and other devices have been integrated to light poles. This creates a novel platform providing fast, low latency mobile communications and possibilities to exploit huge amount of data to make new digital services for smart cities. The solutions have been piloted already during last two years at Nokia Campus in Espoo, Finland, and now the plans are to expand the piloting to real environment in Kera region of Espoo.

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Fortum receives significant funding to create industrial biovillage ecosystem

Fortum is launching a significant development project that aims to manufacture high-value products from agro residues and woody biomass to replace the use of fossil and other environmentally taxing raw materials. The project will be a part of Business Finland’s Bio and Circular Finland Program, which is aiming to make Finland the forerunner of the circular economy. Spinverse has actively participated in project planning and preparation.

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Platform of Trust: 5 million euros for a digital platform innovation for  construction and real estate business

Suomen Tilaajavastuu Oy was selected as one of the five Growth Engines in a competitive bidding by Business Finland. Spinverse assisted the company win 5 million euros as capital loan for the development of a data platform for the construction and real estate business. Growth engine status is granted for platform companies capable of building business worth more than 1 BEUR.

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Desensitization 2.0: Desentum develops a game changer for treating allergies

Allergy is a huge problem especially in the developed countries. Although it is seldom life-threatening, the sheer number of patients makes the condition a serious concern for societies. Globally, allergic diseases already affect one billion people and the number is increasing. Allergies restrict the lives of the patients, decrease productivity, cause missed work and school days and place economic burden to both individuals and societies.

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Espoo won the Intelligent Community of the Year 2018 award with the help of LuxTurrim5G

City of Espoo received the 2018 Intelligent Community of the Year award given by the Intelligent Community Forum at its Global Summit in London June 6, 2018. Espoo was honored in its first year as a competitor in the program after a year-long evaluation that included a quantitative analysis of extensive data, site inspections by the Intelligent Community Forum and votes from an international jury made up of experts from around the world.

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Customer success-story: MacroArray Diagnostics secured 2,5 M€ EU funding for an allergy diagnostics innovation project

Allergies and asthma affect at least a quarter of the population. While often harmless, an increasing number of people suffer from severe allergies, resulting in more than 300.000 avoidable deaths per year. The WHO therefore declared allergy a major health problem of the 21st century. Currently, medical practitioners must pre-select very few allergens for in-vitro testing, based on prior anamnesis, which often results in false or incomplete diagnosis. There is no cost-efficient technology to improve the quality of diagnosis to an optimal level for patient-tailored and evidence-based treatment. The fast-growing segment of molecular diagnostic tests requires a new generation of assays and laboratory automation.

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