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Client News (6)

LuxTurrim5G solutions ready for global smart city markets

The extensive joint development of LuxTurrim5G ecosystem led by Nokia and coordinated by Spinverse has reached a key milestone, as the development phase of the smart pole, data platform and related smart city services is successfully completed. The multi-disciplinary consortium of 26 partners has achieved solid results and the development consortium is planning for more extensive pilots in real urban environments and is starting to commercialize the solution.  

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LuxTurrim5G-ratkaisut valmiita maailmanlaajuisille älykaupunkimarkkinoille

  • LuxTurrim5G-ekosysteemin tutkimus- ja kehitysvaihe, jossa kehitettiin älypylväitä ja niihin liittyvää infrastruktuuria, data-alustaa sekä älykaupungin palveluita, on nyt saatu onnistuneesti päätökseen
  • Tutkimus- ja kehitystyöhön osallistunut yrityskonsortio valmistautuu nyt laajentamaan pilotteja aitoihin kaupunkiympäristöihin ja käynnistämään ratkaisun kaupallistamisen

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Espoo – Nokian vetämä LuxTurrim5G-hanke on saavuttanut tärkeän välietapin saatuaan päätökseen älypylväiden, data-alustan ja siihen liittyvien älykaupunkipalveluiden tutkimus- ja kehitysvaiheen. Monialainen 26 yhteistyökumppanin konsortio on saavuttanut lupaavia tuloksia, joita esitellään tänään webinaarissa. 

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LuxTurrim5G offering showcased in Expo 2020 Dubai as from October

An important gateway to the global market for the smart city offering developed within the LuxTurrim5G ecosystem will be opened at the Expo 2020 Dubai, launching in October. In the event, the LuxTurrim5G concept and two functional smart poles will be showcased together with Nokia and Tehomet, Orbis, Teleste, Vaisala, Indagon, L7 Drive, Link Design, VTT and Spinverse. Spinverse has been part of the ecosystem since its very start, taking care of the ecosystem leadership and project coordination.   

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Finnish hydrogen cluster opens up doors to European networks

In spring 2021, a national company-led hydrogen cluster was established in Finland to accelerate hydrogen economy and exports of hydrogen-related solutions. To date, the cluster has attracted almost 50 companies already, including Spinverse, which will provide services for building project consortia, raising funding and coordinating projects. The cluster aims to open up doors to European networks as there are plans to invest tens of billions of euros to hydrogen economy. The cluster has now published its website.

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Spinverse is part of successful EDIDP consortium focusing on developing next generation defence capabilities

Patria Land is leading a defence industry consortium that has now been selected as part of the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP), an industrial programme of the EU. As part of the EDIDP, the program focuses on Ground Combat Capabilities (GCC) to develop the next generation armoured platforms and upgrade the current ones. Patria Land acts as the industrial coordinator of the EDIDP-GCC-2020 and has formed a consortium called FAMOUS (European Future Highly Mobile Augmented Armoured Systems) to execute the program. The consortium includes 19 leading European defence companies from different countries. Spinverse supported the planning and preparation of the winning FAMOUS project proposal and will help Patria Land to coordinate the project.

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Energy ECS project develops smart and secure energy solutions for future mobility and green-energy transition

A new project with 30 participants from eight European countries will pave the way for an emerging new European business and technology ecosystem aimed at tackling various energy-related challenges for the future of mobility. The project accelerates Europe's decarbonization goals for 2050. The project consortium and proposal were built with the help of Spinverse.

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Circular biocarbon project secures 15 M€ to build the first European refinery for municipal solid waste and sewage sludge

Urbaser, a global environmental management company, and their subsidiary Socamex, will lead a pan-European CIRCULAR BIOCARBON project, launched in summer 2021. The project aims to build the first biorefinery for municipal solid waste and sewage sludge in Europe. Spinverse supported Urbaser at the project proposal phase. As a result of a successful grant application, the circular biocarbon project will be partially funded by 15 M€ from Bio-based Industries (BBI) Joint Undertaking subsidy provided by the European Commission.

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The first pre-commercial version of the smart pole in LuxTurrim5G project is ready

The collaboration within the LuxTurrim5G ecosystem, driven by Nokia and coordinated by Spinverse, has progressed nicely despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The extensive company consortium developing a digital platform for the smart city has now reached an important milestone when its key element, the 5G smart pole, has progressed from the development stage into the pre-commercial product. It is in fact a product family of smart poles, which can meet the various needs of cities. The modular structure allows for poles in different sizes, integration of various devices, and implementation of required digital services based on usage and surrounding area. The ecosystem partners are currently working on finalising the collaboration model to bring the product to markets.   

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EU funding complements the position of Helsinki University Hospital as innovation platform

Spinverse health tech and funding experts have been supporting Helsinki University Hospital (HUS), the largest academic medical centre in Europe, in some of their publicly funded research projects and activities related to EU funding applications. We discussed with Suzan Ikävalko, Senior Research and Innovation Manager at HUS, on the importance of EU funding as means to boost innovative research projects and collaboration with other parties.

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