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Client News (19)

EuroNanoForum 2011 Draws 1200 Attendees to See Close to Market Nanotechnology Developments

1200 members of the nanotechnology community from over 50 countries gathered in Budapest, Hungary, for three days of presentations, networking and inspiration during EuroNanoForum 2011. The event was supported by the European Commission and Hungarian National Innovation Fund, and was organised by the National Innovation Office in partnership with Spinverse under the auspices of the Hungarian Presidency.

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Beneq and Glaston selling technology for photovoltaics manufacturing

Beneq has developed an online deposition method for transparent conductive oxide (TCO) coatings on large-area flat glass to achieve a cost-effective coating process for photovoltaics. The high conductivity of the TCO layer is critical for effective current collection and transparency to minimize light losses. Now the developed process based on Beneq’s proprietary nAERO® aerosol technique has been fully integrated with the high-quality heat treatment line for flat glass CHF Pro™ by their strategic partner Glaston. The result TFC2000™ is a novel continuous offline production concept for high-quality TCO coated glass for the solar industry and other potential applications such as low emissivity coatings for energy windows.

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Finland to be part of Russia's modernisation - Pekka Koponen's column in Kauppalehti (in Finnish)

Spinverse’s Managing Director, outlines the possibilities that Russia once again offers for Finnish companies. The long period of silence following the collapse of the Soviet Union – which also plunged the Finnish technology industry into a major crisis – is at an end. The column was originally published in Kauppalehti on 28th February 2011.

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EuroNanoForum / Nanotech Europe 2011

Calls for Contributions That Solve Grand Challenges

For the first time EuroNanoForum and Nanotech Europe will be joining forces to create the largest European nanotechnology event of 2011. EuroNanoForum is a biannual event organised by the European Commission. Previous EuroNanoForum and Nanotech Europe events have each attracted 700-1000 participants - enabling experts to communicate their work to the whole European nanotechnology community.

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Spinverse and ObservatoryNANO: Nanotechnology Offers Significant Improvements

Cathode ray tubes have dominated the display industry for over 70 years but the demand for better quality devices has promoted technology development. Consumers call for suitably priced displays with improved features. Nanotechnology, an emerging approach to upgrade flat displays, improves the performance and quality while taking environmental aspects into account. It also provides novel features such as foldability and flexibility.

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