Insights | Spinverse

Spinverse helps industry connect with the latest European research in AI

Written by Spinverse | Oct 5, 2021 7:29:05 AM

We discussed with Patrick Halford who leads our Digital Industries team about the research activities around Artificial Intelligence (AI). Keeping up with the many overlapping technologies under the umbrella of what is commonly known as artificial intelligence as they ride their respective cost/performance improvement curves is no easy feat. It is, however, an essential element of Spinverse’s business model as we strive to help our clients from across all industries and organization types capitalise on converging technologies to secure R&D&I funding and build out new value chains. 

Fortunately, we are in a great position to leverage our considerable partner network across Europe and beyond, many of whom are involved in cutting-edge research and implementations. From Computer Vision to Natural Language Processing (NLP), from Human-centric Machine Learning to Robot Learning, our network creates and harnesses the winds of progress across AI disciplines.

Spinverse helps to bridge the gap between RTO and industry

Our business model demands a deep understanding of how organisations of all types and sizes are developing, partnering and deploying AI capabilities to transform, protect and sustain industries and society at large. From research institutions and universities to the start-ups spinning out of them, and from SMEs to global corporations, we tap into the full spectrum of AI activities which are transforming industries and helping to solve global challenges.

It is not just about understanding the technologies and funding instruments. Each type of organisation runs at different clock speeds, has different measurements, management systems and dynamics. This is especially the case when building new collaborations between research, universities and industry- and this is where we excel.

ELISE: a network of artificial intelligence research hubs

Let’s talk specifics. As well as building European consortia to secure innovation funding, we also participate in them. One of the most critical consortia in terms of advancing European leadership in AI technologies is the European Network of AI Excellence Centres (ELISE).

ELISE is a network of artificial intelligence research hubs. Based on the highest-level research, it spreads its knowledge and methods in academia, industry, and society. The network invites all ways of reasoning, considering all types of data applicable for almost all sectors of science and industry. It does this while being aware of data safety and security, striving towards explainable and trustworthy outcomes. ELISE works in cooperation with ELLIS (European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems) and is part of the EU Horizon 2020 ICT-48 portfolio. ELISE is coordinated by Aalto University in Finland.

Spinverse is the communication partner in ELISE AI and our task is to build the bridges between AI research institutions and industries across Europe. Leading this task for Spinverse is our Consultant Diederick Stellingsma who comes from the Netherlands.

In parallel with our AI activities on ELISE, we have been building successful funded consortia for many years, and we also provide Project Coordination Office services on a large number of them. Many of these projects last 3+ years and they have to adjust and adapt to constant technological improvements that are riding their own s-curves. This is especially the case where recent improvements in AI. can bring new capabilities to funded consortia already underway.

Energy ECS focuses on a wide variety of themes and technologies with AI in mind

A good example of this would be the Energy ECS consortium which Spinverse helped create from early ideation through to successful funding and Project Coordination services. Coordinated by TietoEvry, Energy ECS is a 3-year project with 30 partners from eight European countries representing academia, research, SMEs, start-ups, corporates and public services organisations. From Iceland to Italy and everywhere in between, the consortium focuses on a wide range of technologies, combining energy and mobility themes, including battery-charging electronics, energy harvesting, real-time location controls, sensors, computer vision and augmented reality. Energy ECS is just one example of industry/research consortia that will benefit from the AI research activities being led by the ELISE AI project.

AI becomes more significant across different consortia

At Spinverse, we recognize that all disciplines of AI are becoming more significant across consortia work packages and use cases in Healthcare, ICT & Electronics, Smart Cities, Mobility, Bioeconomy, Energy, Manufacturing and Defense industries.

Follow our ongoing dialogue as we help connect research and industry with the latest advances in Artificial Intelligence across Europe.

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