Insights | Spinverse

Spinverse expertise on hydrogen sector can help your company benefit from the upcoming EU funding calls

Written by Spinverse | Jan 21, 2022 10:08:36 AM

While waiting for the first Clean Hydrogen funding calls to open this year, it is already essential to get ready as the schedules and requirements will be tight. As one of the founding members in Hydrogen Cluster Finland and an expert on public funding, Spinverse can help your company to prepare the best possible funding application for your Clean Hydrogen project.

Anticipating a tight schedule to prepare the Clean Hydrogen funding applications

Director Timo Ropponen leads the Energy and Manufacturing team at Spinverse. Timo and his team support and facilitate a wide variety of customer projects in the sector, including those related to clean hydrogen. Timo reminds: “Even though the Clean Hydrogen funding calls are not yet been launched, we anticipate quite tight schedules for the submittance of the funding applications. The cut-off dates are likely to be in the second quarter of 2022 as the publication of the calls has been planned for early 2022, so it is very important to start the preparations for the applications already now to ensure success in the very competitive funding calls. Crystallising the project strategy, scope and resources, and identifying the partners takes time, and careful planning is essential already now.

Focus on research and demonstration projects

Project Manager Sonja Auvinen follows the development of the Clean Energy Partnership programme with a keen eye. According to Sonja, the first Clean Hydrogen calls are directed to research projects in five main sectors, namely: Hydrogen production, Hydrogen distribution, Transport, Heat&Power and Cross-cutting themes. In addition, funding will be released for projects that demonstrate Open innovation test beds and Hydrogen Valleys, where a cluster of operators in the hydrogen economy form a tight network also geographically. The overall budget for the projects is in the region of 300 M€. Sonja says: “In the future, not only basic R&D projects are supported, but funding will also be allocated to demonstrations and flagships of industrial applications with budgets in the range of 10-20 M€. This will widen the opportunities for companies to implement hydrogen technologies.”

Spinverse memberships in Hydrogen Cluster Finland and European Clean Hydrogen Alliance give an excellent insight into the hydrogen sector

Hydrogen Cluster Finland is a national company-led hydrogen cluster established in Finland to accelerate hydrogen economy and exports of hydrogen-related solutions with more than 50 members. As one of the founding members, Spinverse helps in developing the Finnish hydrogen economy, and can provide services to the cluster in building project consortia, raising funding and coordinating projects. The front seat in the cluster gives Spinverse an excellent overview of the hydrogen sector that extends beyond Finnish borders. Spinverse is also an active member in European Clean Hydrogen Alliance, an EU-level collaboration organization.

Is your company seeking for growth in Clean Hydrogen projects through public funding? Do not hesitate to contact Spinverse experts on how we can help you in preparing a successful funding application and identifying the right partners for your Clean Energy project!

Timo Ropponen
Director and Team Leader for Manufacturing and Energy, D.SC. (Tech.)

+358 50 588 0440

Read more:

Horizon Europe's Clean Hydrogen Partnership has been launched
Finnish Hydrogen Cluster opens up doors to European networks
Finnish Hydrogen Cluster
European Clean Hydrogen Alliance
Hydrogen Europe: Clean H2 Partnership