Eurostars is a public funding instrument dedicated to innovative, research-driven small and mid-sized enterprises who want to join forces with other like-minded companies. Successful applicants are in for grants worth an average of 1-2 M€ each to boost their civilian projects aimed at developing new products, processes or services. The funding instrument stimulates international collaborative research and innovation projects that will be rapidly commercialised.
At this point in time, we are waiting for the publication of the next cutoff date for the Eurostars funding applications. In the meanwhile, here are some basics on the Eurostars and who can apply. Could your company apply?
Who can apply? Requirements
When to apply?
The actual cutoff dates do vary, but the cutoff dates for proposal submission are usually published 2-6 months in advance. We are expecting to hear more about the next deadline in late June after the European Research and Innovation Days 2021. When the information comes, it is advisable to start the preparations as soon as possible!
Would you like Spinverse to help your organisation to apply for funding for your project? Our funding experts can help you to build your project strategy and provide support in finding the right partners for your next project. Contact us today!
Janne Kaukojärvi
Consultant, M.Sc. (Eng.)
Tel. +46 70 844 9760 (SWE), +358 50 528 6197 (FIN)