Insights | Spinverse

Spinverse’s Project Services provide valuable support to EU consortium projects

Written by Spinverse | Sep 11, 2023 6:19:33 AM

In any pan-European, multi-party consortium project, there's a critical need for high quality, proactive and experienced project management to facilitate the execution of project objectives and maximise project outcomes. The complexities of coordinating large consortia technical innovation projects that are funded by the European Union demand a level of expertise and dedication that goes beyond the ordinary. Meet Spinverse’s Project Services team, a group of professionals committed to providing the most efficient project administration and communication services, led by John Sperryn.

When a publicly funded consortium has successfully secured funding for their project, the Coordinator nominated to drive the project may sometimes find themselves with mixed feelings. “How am I able to manage all the essential tasks and activities entailed in this project on top of the actual research, development and innovation involved?” If there are not enough resources or specific EU funding process knowledge in the coordinator’s organisation to nominate a dedicated person to take care of the daily administration, it will be reassuring to know there are professional project services available to provide support and guidance. 

John Sperryn starts by explaining that Spinverse’s Project Services is the umbrella term for the kind of project support work they undertake. A natural continuation of Spinverse experts supporting customer’s innovation proposal funding applications, the mission of the Project Services team is to provide essential support for customer multi-year projects, specifically in handling administrative tasks, communication and dissemination activities. John emphasises the multifaceted nature of their work.

Spinverse has a wealth of experience in supporting major EU projects each spanning several years and ranging from 30 to 50 partners or more in each consortium, Project Services has developed a comprehensive understanding of the intricate processes involved. 

The Project Coordinators' best friend 

One of the critical roles Project Services plays is proactively supporting project coordinators and consortium partners in navigating the complexity of EU projects in a timely manner. The catalogue of support services covers a wide range of activities ranging from a comprehensive project kick-off, establishing project communications and structures, monitoring of tasks and deliverables, to financial and periodic reporting trainings and guidance, ensuring that every aspect of the project is well-managed. 

The true value of Project Services becomes apparent when considering the benefits it offers to customers. By entrusting the Project Services team with essential but time-consuming tasks, project leaders can save valuable time and resources which enables them to focus more on the core technical innovations of the project work, driving it toward success and impact for Europe. 

A diverse team of experts 

Tiina Meurman is one of the members in the Project Services team. She highlights another significant advantage. The team itself is a diverse group of experts with a broad range of skills and experiences. While a specific individual may serve as the primary contact for the customer’s project, the collective expertise of the entire team is always available to address issues, make adjustments and offer innovative solutions. 

In EU projects, the need for specialized knowledge is critical. Project Services has an in-depth understanding of EU processes and systems, making them indispensable for first-time coordinators who may lack insight into the intricacies of project management activities. 

Tiina points out that Project Services often acts as the glue that binds consortium members together. With large multi-country consortia often comprised of organisations and individuals who have not worked together before, Spinverse’s ability to facilitate positive collaboration is invaluable. 

Project Services continually seeks to improve and evolve, keeping an eye on the latest technologies which can help to optimise the processes and efficiency. John envisions expanding the service to support a broader range of projects, not limited to the largest consortia, but bringing the benefits of professional project support services to smaller consortia. This means that whether you're leading a massive consortium or a single-entity project, Project Services has you covered. 

Get in touch with us! 

If you're considering of having a dedicated team of experts handle the details of your next consortium project, reaching out to Project Services is a wise decision. Do not hesitate to contact John directly for more information or inquiries.

John Sperryn, Senior Manager, Team Leader for Project Services
+358 45 314 8404