Insights | Spinverse

Insights into participating in an EU-funded project as coordinator or partner

Written by Spinverse | Jun 19, 2024 5:56:11 AM

If you are planning to join an EU-funded project consortium, it might be a good idea to reflect on the different roles in the project and what role your company wishes to play in it. Each project needs a coordinator, and each project needs multiple partners across the value chain and in cross-cutting roles. Read our take on this topic.

Which role should you aim for?

You may have heard that the coordinator’s role in EU projects is very demanding and that you need to cover all the administrative and management responsibilities. This is very true but remember that it’s also possible to get external support for that or hire a new person, whose salary can be included in the project budget. In return for these extra responsibilities, there is a lot to gain: You have strategic influence over the project in the planning as well as in its implementation.


  • Administrative & coordination responsibilities, which there are many in large consortiums and they may distract you from the actual work at hand. However, there is 3rd party support available. For example, Spinverse has wide experience in supporting EU project consortia of different sizes.
  • Strategic influence and leadership. As the coordinator, you can steer the project’s direction, make critical decisions for example on the concept, preferred partners and budgets.
  • Coordinator is often, but not necessarily, the core technology partner. Coordinator oftentimes contributes to several Work Packages within the project.
  • Gaining a strong network and new skills. Being a coordinator is a great learning experience, and a good way to gain potential new business partners.
  • Increased visibility and recognition. The coordinator is oftentimes the most visible entity in the project, and this will help in gaining visibility for your company.


  • Less administrative work, lower responsibility. However, this does not mean you will just go with the flow. You need to fulfill your role in the project as well.
  • Less influence in the project. You may not always be able to make bigger decisions in the project, but it is important to stay active.
  • Specialised contribution. As a partner, you bring your special expertise to the table and focus on core activities or contribute to several areas.
  • As a partner, you can lead a Work Package or Task where you can showcase and further develop your special expertise for which you joined the project.
  • Multiple opportunities for collaboration, networking and learning! Joining a project consortium gives you new contacts and business opportunities throughout Europe. Make full use of them and be active.

Did these insights raise your interest? If you would like to know more about joining EU-funded consortia but do not quite know where to start, get in touch with our funding experts who are happy to discuss your options!