Finding funding opportunities and partners for your brilliant innovations and ideas is rarely a walk in the park. Spinverse has developed a tool that can ease the complex task of finding the most suitable EU funding instrument for your R&D project while identifying the relevant partners. Spinbase is an AI based funding search tool which will help you in taking your innovations to the next level.
How did we get here?
The idea of Spinbase initiated from our experience in understanding the pain points of searching and finding the relevant funding calls, partners, and projects about a certain topic. We developed a tool back in 2018 to make this process as easy as possible. In Spinbase, we wanted to tackle the key challenges we were able to identify with the traditional funding search portals and made a system that is more efficient and at the same time, easy to use! After several updates, Spinbase has evolved into a comprehensive tool the users can rely on.
Spinbase — how it works
Spinbase is not only about finding funding for your R&D, but it also provides valuable insights to your future products — and those of your competitors! The Spinbase data sources consists of almost all EU funding calls, including H2020, 3HP, COSME, LIFE, CREA, and several others. The calls you find in Spinbase are based on roadmaps, signals and industrial lobbying, therefore the call texts often provide hints on the direction towards which your industry sector or your competitors are heading.
Spinbase can offer information on the regulation and standardisation influencers releasing public funding, and it can help you to understand
The search tool in Spinbase uses natural language as an input. The principle is simple but effective: when you enter your idea or project abstract into the tool, you will find suitable funding instruments, other players working on the same kind of subject matters and even information to refine your plans.
The search engine is based on semantic analysis
which means it provides more versatile results than traditional search engines.
How do we differ from the traditional funding search tools?
Once you have found the funding instrument and call of choice and are ready to take the next steps, we at Spinverse can help you. Our extensive expertise on the EU application process and business planning has already secured over 400 M€ of funding for our customers.
To find the relevant calls and partners for your idea and innovations, register today at for a free trial!