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EWGIC Position Paper: European recovery needs innovation

Written by Spinverse | Jul 27, 2020 6:23:02 AM

The European Working Group of Innovation Consultants (EWGIC) has published a new Position Paper regarding the agreement by European Council on the Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF) and the Next Generation EU budget. The Position Paper, released on the 24th of July 2020 makes a plea to European Parliament's decision makers to take swift action to prevent the Horizon Europe's budget cuts that threaten to slow down the recovery of Europe from the current economic crisis.

While EWGIC welcomes the European Council's agreement on the MFF and the Next Generation EU budget, they regret the 5 B€ cuts imposed on the Horizon Europe MFF budget and further 8.5 B€ cut for the recovery top-up. These cuts threaten to mitigate the recovery of Europe from the crisis caused by the COVID-19.  

The EWGIC is now calling on the decision makers in the European Parliament to swiftly ensure that Horizon Europe will get back at least to the original proposal that the EC made in 2018 of 83.5 B€ for the Research and Innovation (2018 prices) to be able to actually contribute to the European recovery. 



About EWGIC 
The European Working Group of Innovation Consultants (EWGIC) gathers experts in the field of European research and innovation projects. The group aims to facilitate exchange and promotion of best practices and success stories as well as to promote professional skills and expertise in European RDI projects. Today the group gathers 36 companies and two national associations, active in more than 18 countries around Europe. It is growing every month. 

Spinverse Chairman and founder Pekka Koponen is one of the co-founders of EWGIC.

For more information:
Horizon Europe - What's in it for me?